8 Jan 2025

8.01.2025 New physio class.


  Wednesday 8th 37F/3C. Continuing windy, but slowly reducing, as storm Floriane moves further away.

 Up at 4am. Wide awake. 62F/16C in the room. Lit the stove. Brought in another basket of logs. Still noisy and very windy in the greenhouse. Due to the gap above the fallen panel. Trimmed my beard. Sorted out my tablets. Now 8 per day with one type short of a set. Back to the village pharmacy.

 Visiting my friend this morning. Followed by my first heart physio class in the new venue after lunch.

 5.30 Up to 64F/17.8C. Almost used up the solid bits of beech in the barrow. Lots of smaller stuff left for a quick boost when the stove dies down unnoticed. I ought to go back to bed but shouldn't. Lying awake during the storm has ruined my sleep patterns all over again.

 8.30 I went back to bed and slept for half an hour. About to leave into quite heavy rain. 

 12.00 Returned home after visiting my friend.

 15.30 Returned home after physio. It went well except for my poor balance and flexibility. Both weaknesses having been discovered at the other physio class but little has improved. We had an hour of quite strenuous exercises before half an hour of socializing and introductions. The majority of the group are repeat offenders and all had some kind of heart condition and/or treatment. Some having been group members for several years. Only two of us being new boys. Three ladies made up the group of ten. A pleasant young lady physiotherapist led the class to stirring pop music. It was even warmer in this sports centre than at my last class in the town. I forgot to take a water bottle with me.

 Once back at home I gathered up the glass clips. Which had dropped to the ground. When the [polycarbonate] greenhouse pane went for a tour in the storm. I ought to drill the frame and plastic sheeting. To fit small bolts so that it remains in place next time. 

 That particular pane seems highly susceptible to SW gales blowing past the corner. It must be causing a powerful suction effect. I had already replaced the original glass pane with clear polycarbonate. Due to the repeated loss of that corner. No matter how many greenhouse clips I used. 

 I'll use washers on the bolts to spread the loads more evenly. No point in risking local stressing. Adding as many clips as I can find. There used to be loads of spares but I have mislaid them. They are readily available from builders merchants and big shed DIY stores. 

 Dinner was fish fingers, pasta, peas and tinned tomatoes. I shan't make as much next time. It was fine but a bit overwhelming. I am draining the tomatoes too much and should retain a bit more moisture. It's a whole tin too.



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