21 Jan 2025

21.01.2025 Will he? Won't he?


  Tuesday 21st 35F/1.7C. Still dark. Expected to be cold, misty, cloudy, breezy and to hover around +1C/34F all day.

  Up at 6am after lying awake for hours worrying about the drainage for the washing machine. I have a drainage contractor coming on Wednesday morning but he doesn't like my present drainage plans. Thankfully, he is making helpful suggestions how the situation can be overcome within the rules.

 It seems the pipes should all lie within the building or well underground outside. Drilling a hole and running a 40mm pipe through an outside wall is not standard Danish practice. Which probably means making a hole in the concrete kitchen floor to bring a larger pipe indoors [under the floor of course.] From a branch to the existing drainpipes outside under the lawn. 

 My hovel is old, ugly and built to agricultural standards. It is highly unlikely that a concrete foundation exists. I certainly do not remember one when the floors were all dug up to lay new pipes.

 It makes sense to do it right and all at the same time. So I have asked if he can do this indoor drainage work. The underfloor heating pipes may be a problem. Though this area of the kitchen was inside a built in cupboard at the time of installation. I have since removed this cupboard. Providing a very useful alcove for the washing machine and new oven to be tucked away.  

 Fortunately my changes to the garden since my wife died. Means easy access for a modestly sized excavator. There was a 20' hedge almost touching the house back then. It was almost impossible for a person to squeeze sideways between the hedge and the house in several areas. 

 I am expecting a new tool parcel today. So I can't leave the house until it arrives. In anticipation of my needing to dig holes in the kitchen floor myself. I ordered a new SDS+ drill/hammer and matching tools. I haven't been able to order a suitable core drill. Without knowing what size I needed. Ordinary electric drills don't have the torque for large core drills.

 11.00  Spitting with rain. I have been tidying up my digging tools. Then cleared and leveled the parking space for the Morris. Allowing it to safely reverse another six feet/2m off the main turning space. Every little helps if a machine has to be unloaded from a trailer. Rear vision is already poor on the Morris. Even worse if the rear screen is misted over. As it usually is.

 My IB subwoofers buyer should be here on Thursday around lunchtime. Several others wanted them. Alas too late to realise the incredible bargain compared to buying new. 

 14.15. My drill has arrived. So now I am free to go shopping.

 16.30 Back from the shops well laden. I was overtaken by a Tesla in dragster mode in a village. Apart from speeding the driver wasn't reading the road. They ended up following a slow bus.  

 I had a call from the drainage contractor. He is coming tomorrow to look at the job. Including the hole in the floor problem. Previously it seemed he was coming early to do the job. 

 Dinner was an organic sausage omelette. Stop laughing at the back! I imagined the sausages would become wrapped in the egg. They didn't. They shunned each other. Not to worry. They tasted fine.


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