Friday 31st 36F/2C. A cold, wet start but improving. A snap of Chez Hovel's kitchen from the living room end. Image distortion had to be reduced. Making the ceiling slope when it doesn't. Not that much.
Up at 6am after a busy night manning the fire bucket and clock watching. I suddenly developed tinnitus last night. I haven't had it of ages. Years? I hadn't been in bed for long when there was a sudden deep "vroom." Like a big diesel engine. Or a powerful subwoofer.
I suffered from tinnitus over a longer period in the past. Various [loud] whistling tones. Coincidentally, I have had a slightly runny nose for a couple of days. I noticed the car sounded louder on my way home yesterday. With loud whistles from leaking window seals.
I should have turned down my hearing aids but couldn't. My mobile phone battery was flat. I had forgotten to charge it. So the hearing aid control app wasn't available. The initial jingle in my left [deaf] ear sounded much quieter over the last two days. As I fitted and switched on my hearing aids. Back to normal this morning.
7.40 62F/17C in the room. Stove lit. If the weather improves I'd like to fit in a bike ride. I need washing powder or liquid for the new washing machine. Both the highly recommended liquid and powder are sold by a supermarket chain which is shrinking rapidly. I checked three other supermarkets yesterday but found nothing which triggered a buying response. There are two branches of the supermarket I need. Each, well within a half hour ride.Kitchen in overcast daylight. From a lower viewpoint to reduce trapezoid distortion. My meter long, vintage pine, recycling cupboard stands this side of the fridge. Hidden behind the glazed door. Which can't be seen in these photos. I built the run of cupboards and drawers on the left years ago. Using recycled materials.
One supermarket closed recently. In a shopping village which I use often. Though not that particular outlet. I see they have changed hands to the more popular supermarket chain. Currently at the bottom of the village. Which has severe parking and access problems. Their new outlet will enjoy a large and level car park with easy access. Even for their 7-axle, hundred meters long, goods delivery trucks.
It won't be long. Before the first raving psycho comes speeding along and kills some innocent[s.] There is a 50kph/30mph speed limit but few drivers have a conscience beyond the nearest traffic calming hump. There isn't one on this road. Though there is a school and kindergarten on the same stretch. But hey, no police or camera presence? That means no speed limit. Have you noticed that being able to afford a Tesla means no speed limits? I suppose it makes a change from the usual Audi/BMW goons.
7.55 Almost [half] light enough for a walk? Not yet. I had better stop waffling and bring in more logs from the greenhouse.
8.25 I have cleaned the glass inside and out of the fish tank. Miserably grey outside but finally light enough for a walk.
9.10 38F/3C. And back again. Heavy overcast but dry. Too cold on bare hands. With a cold NW breeze. The dark brown bird of prey retreated as usual. As I neared its parking spot on the prairie. A huge container lorry sprayed me from head to toe. Not an inspiring start to the day. Time for morning coffee.
10.00 It is brightening up a little. I'll prepare for a ride.
10.15 Off we jolly well go..
12.15 41F/5C. Back from a very wet 32km/20mile ride. It brightened up to pitiful glows behind the cloud on the first stretch. That was just lulling me into a false sense of idiocy. After ten kilometers it drizzled increasingly heavily. Until steady rain forced me to stop and to put on my Patagonia over-trousers. By which time my cargo trousers were already dark with wet. I had already bought my desired laundry liquid and matching shower gel. I shall pray fervently that I don't get them mixed up. Well, you never know with these silly septuagenarians.
12.50 Lunch. 68F/20C in the room but I still feel cold. If no longer wet. The stove had been boosted from the ashes with more logs and maximum draught on my return. I just wish it would show more enthusiasm.
Dinner was sardines on toast. I burnt the toast with the new oven grill!