7 Jul 2024

7.07.2024 Sunday driver!


  Sunday 7th 55F/13C. [7.00] Brightness struggling to break through. Still breezy after a stormy night. Media reports lots of fallen trees. Even talk of a suspected tornado. Possibly caused by a supercell which crossed North Fyn. Causing felled trees and other damage. 

 Gusts were recorded at round 25m/s, or 56mph, in that general area. With 29m/s [65mph] nearer home. Off the south west coast of Fyn. I can't see any damage out of the windows. A popular, annual pop festival has been beset by bad weather and repeated heavy rain.

 Today's [potential] cycling weather is dominated by the southwesterly wind. Gusts are averaging 14m/s. [31mph] Not appealing. The danger is being blown off course. As one passes a gap in a sheltering hedge. Vehicles have their own wind shadow and wake. Particularly lorries and buses in a side wind. They can easily suck or blow a cyclist off course.

 Up at 6.10 after a fair night. Only a few interruptions. I was careful not to drink anything after the salad. It didn't help much. I was getting repeated stabbing pains in my heart yesterday evening. Not badly, but worrying nonetheless. I'd had two, full rest days after the 85km ride. 

 The advice is to measure my efforts by how I feel. Which is generally fine. No ill effects from climbing the stairs. Fortunately the pain subsided after I went to bed. I keep wondering if I should have an emergency bag ready. In case I have to call an ambulance again. I left my reading glasses at home last time. Which left me blind to my phone and the advice leaflets I was given t the hospital.

 7.30 I haven't had a walk for a couple of days. So I had better start there.

 8.15. 61F/16C. I am back. Bright sunshine and windy. More of a plod today. Nothing like a brisk pace. Sunday traffic was light. Local fields only partially harvested. A few small twigs blown onto the roads. Nothing remotely dramatic.

 10.00 Raining heavily and still blowing. No bike ride. I had better shop in the car.

 12.30 Returned from a shopping trip to the next village. A few half price bargains of my regular items to be had.

 15.45 65F/18C. Returned from a drive in the Morris. It was mostly sunshine until now. When it has clouded over. I tried to keep to the lanes. To avoid slowing the traffic on the main roads. I saw a couple of wind damaged trees but nothing spectacular. 

 Several cyclists were out training despite the wind. Mostly girls. The flower bed is full of butterflies. I have had some discomfort over the area of my heart for most of the afternoon. Not a sharp pain. More of an ache.

 For dinner I made chicken and mushroom curry. Using Ben's Medium Curry Sauce. Which, instead of being so thick it was difficult to pour. Was more like water and tasted like water. It had the consistency of gravy. I have been having this curry sauce for years. It is always far too thick to pour. The jar usually has to be shaken violently just to make it come out!

Oddly, I have just had a similar problem with a tin of SAEBY mackerel in tomato sauce. Only a couple of days ago. The sauce was generous to a fault. The quantity of fish much less than the usual, tightly packed portion.



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