30 Jul 2024

30.07.2024 Mind that deer, oh dear!


  Tuesday 30th 50F/10C [6.15] Bright. A sunny day is promised with 24C/79F.

 Up at 5.30 after a quiet night. My hips and lower back are hurting. All that clambering in and out of the observatory front wall from a stepladder carrying heavy weights! I really should go for a walk.

 8.00 Back from a 45 minute, brisk walk to the lanes. The bright sunshine was lighting up the cobwebs on the oil seed rape field. A young deer was trying to force a way through the dense roadside hedge. Returning to the road several times before choosing completely the wrong moment to cross the road. Just as a builder's van came hurtling around the blind bend! The deer sprinted and just made it past the van and into the field across the road. 

 Further on, a digger and a tracked excavator were improving the drainage on a vast field. The excavator driver was busy using a GPS 'UFO' mast to check his levels. Then a Lotus 7 type, open sports car went past being driven enthusiastically. Possibly a Caterham 7? 

 Next up was a dark Tesla being driven fast and very badly. As they typically brushed the apex, where I was standing, on a completely blind bend. Thereby denying themselves a better view of the road ahead and a local headline.

  I had heard their tire roar on their approach. So I'd hopped up onto the narrow verge just in case and just in time. Why is that they can always afford the car but will never pay for driving lessons? I wonder if they had a valid license? Despite this the traffic was lighter this early in the morning. I usually go a bit later. The low sun ruined most of my attempts at taking pictures.

 8.40 64F/18C. No immediate plans for today. I'll have early morning coffee while I decide. No bread rolls! I'll have to toast some frozen bread.

 10.45 70F/21C. Hot, sweating and tired. I have moved most of the timber leaning against the shed. Now stacked [fairly neatly] at the back of the newly raised area of the parking space. Hopefully the stack won't be in the way for a while. I hate double handling.

 There are still a lot of variations in ground level. Which would be expensive and time consuming for me to raise with more gravel. The stuff is heavy and sticks together. Making working on it very labour intensive. I'll see how it looks when the observatory has gone. It may be worth having a gentle step down to the expanded area. The heap of gravel is still sitting there. On pause, while my health problems were fixed. 

 17.30 Returned from a shopping trip into the village. It was unpleasantly warm in the sunshine at 23C/73F. I saw two Teslas in amazing, translucent colours. One orange and one plum. For want of a better description.

 Dinner was mackerel in tomato sauce with tomatoes on toast. 




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