24 Jul 2024

24.07.2024 Excused boots.


  Wednesday 24th 60F/16C. [8.00] Bright overcast. A mostly dry and sunny day is promised. Up at 6.30 after a night of weird dreams.

 8.00  Let's start with a walk.

 9.00 And back again. Not much to report. Sunshine, windy, traffic quiet. Fields raked after harvesting. A Red kite crossed the road. Greenfinches wheezing in the hedgerows. Everything is very overgrown. There are even brambles coming out of the verges and heading across the asphalt.

 12.30 67F/19C. Almost continuously sunny. Time for lunch.

 15.00 68F/20C. Bright sunshine. The garden is packed with butterflies.

 Dinner chicken, mushrooms and chips.




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