16 Jul 2024

16.07.2024 Please form an orderly queue.


 Tuesday 16th 59F/15C. Heavy overcast. Showers promised for this morning. 

 Up at 5.30. Lower back pain again. Soon forgotten.

 My English friend will be visiting later. 

 I wonder how many hours and attempts it took. Before Chump decided which dressing looked best on TV.

 No walk today. I was busy tidying, vacuuming and cleaning. 

 10.40 62F/17C. Raining hard!

 12.30 My friend has just left. 

 My fish-keeping spares parcel has arrived. Everything works as expected. I bolted the new 93cm White LED light into the aluminium flashing to act as a simple, lightweight hood. The adjustable, damper is useful to avoid sudden loss or gain of the bright light. Then I partially cut the new, channeled, plastic lid material. To allow it to hinge upwards for easy access to the front of the tank.

 The water is clearing nicely. I have introduced some plants and donations from the garden pond. To speed up neutralization of the tank's tapwater. A newly filled tank has to cycle through ammonia, nitrites and then nitrates using natural bacteria. Which don't exist in fresh tapwater. The plants were unceremoniously dumped in the new tank from the old. The exposed roots and leaves will introduce beneficial bacteria. 

 The [temporary] powerful internal filter is turning the water over rapidly to speed up the process. The filter material should contain bacteria and spread these widely throughout the tank. Causing the bacteria to start feeding on the ammonia. This process may have been responsible for the initial mistiness of the fresh water. The result of a bacterial bloom.

 Failure to chemically cycle a tank properly can stress the fish. I am being as patient as possible before moving the two, rapidly growing goldfish into their new home. Tests of the expensive "starter" fluids has proven they have little to no effect. Taking as least as long for a dosed tank to mature. As leaving the tank alone. To build up the beneficial bacteria naturally. Averaging about a month to six weeks or even more. 

 I have bought a new but inexpensive air pump. Which draws the water down throughout the gravel base. The idea is that bacteria will build up on the gravel and treat the water continuously as it flows downwards. Before being lifted back up again in the two, bubble driven, tubular columns. Which are connected to a slotted tray covering the bottom of the tank under the gravel.

 I must go shopping.      

 Returned from the village shops. It rained lightly.

 Dinner was chicken, mushrooms and fried eggs. With a bread roll.



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