29 Jul 2024

29.07.2024 Peacocks.


  Monday 29th 53F/12C [5.00] Clear and brightening. A dry, sunny day, reaching 21C, is promised. With a NW breeze.

 Up at 4am. Memories woke me and then boredom with just lying there wide awake.

 8.00  I couldn't stay awake so I went back to bed for an hour. 

 9.00 64F/18C. Bright sunshine. Morning coffee. I have yet to do anything useful!

 11.30  I lack motivation today. I spent half an hour pulling up Rosebay Willowherb. Then strolled around looking for nothing in particular. The front garden is packed with butterflies again. Dozens of them. Mostly peacocks feeding on masses of Oreganum [?] plants. Which must have self-seeded all around the garden. They are everywhere.

 16.45 71F/22C. Hot sunshine. I am dripping with sweat after clearing the observatory in readiness for dismantling. There is still lots more to do. The massive, home-made, telescope mounting will need the chain hoist and opposed ladders to lift it down. It is all very depressing!

 Dinner was chicken, mushrooms and two fried eggs. I cleared day's worth of washing up afterwards.



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