27 Sept 2021

27.09.2021 Mind the hares!


Monday 27th 58F, heavy overcast. Rain expected.There was a light shower before I left. 

I promptly changed to my wet weather, winter jacket. Which proved to be slightly too warm despite wearing only a T-shirt underneath. It was very fortunate that I wore the jacket. Half way through my walk it started raining heavily and continuously. This followed a loud rumble followed by a terrific thunder clap right overhead! 

There was forestry work going on in the woods. Huge, conifer tree trunks lay in long stacks. As I was moving through the beech woods I had another shock. I nearly stepped on a hare. I had no idea whether it was dozing or pretending not to be there. It dashed off like a rocket.

Restless gulls were moving across the dark brown, newly seed-drilled, landscape. Literally hundreds of chaffinches were disturbed by my perambulations. They left the overgrown field hedge beside the track. Flew out in a semi-circle and returned to the hedge further on. Things went badly wrong when they finally ran out of hedge and flew off across the fields. Several mid-sized birds of prey were soaring in the area but moved away. Fortunately I had recently reproofed the jacket and it was shedding the rain superbly.


To add to his long list of abject failures, Boris "The Clown" now proves he can't even organize a fire in a petrol station. Oh, and that the "Gravelies" are as selfish and as brain dead as anywhere else on the planet.  Mind you, the thought of a cheap "trafficked" Eastern European driver behind the wheel of a British petrol tanker doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. Do they have to prove they can drive on the "wrong side of the road" first? Remind me, what did Boris say his qualifications were for being in charge of his very own, serial, disaster movie? "Bad hair day" doesn't even begin to describe it!


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