23 Sept 2021

23.09.2021 Boris "The Clown" demands WE grow up?


Thursday 23rd 58F, overcast and breezy. Expected to gust up to 23m/s later this afternoon.  That's 50.6mph in old money. Fortunately the wind is coming for the west and north west. Where we enjoy some shelter from neighbour's trees. That is, if they don't cut them down first. Hopefully the trees won't blow down. The drag from all those leaves is a serious risk.  

Already breezy for my morning walk to the lanes. I was trying to photograph a distant tractor. Which was  climbing a steep hill with a seed drill at the back. The wind kept buffeting me. Making a steady hand almost impossible. Then my cap blew off. So I gave up and moved on.

The new, vital, climate statistic is CO2 released from wildfires. The US is leading as usual. With as much CO2 released from this year's wildfires. As was deliberately manufactured by the whole of India's, upper, middle classes. 

Boris "The Clown" Johnston, the supposed, UK PM, demands the world "grow up" and cut emissions. Just as the self-entitled blimp returns from a personal jaunt to see the US president. And all for this week's photo op?

This was the main <cough> news story on the "trust our adverts" [sic] bbcA [bbcADVERTISING.com] news website. Guess what? The headline was surrounded by huge picture adverts for cheap [?] air travel holidays! Time for Boris and the bbcA to grow up? Nah, there's nearly a decade left before they'll need waders just to get to work. 

I wonder if they are still jailing unmarried mothers in Gravely Blighted. i.e. Those who can't afford to pay the bbcA's multimillionaire, football commentator, celeb, super-sportscar fund. Laughingly known as "The British TV license." Keep taking the money!


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