18 Sept 2021

18.09.2021 Fuel poverty. The [only] real answer to global warming?


Saturday 18th 55F, heavy overcast. Or "heavily" if you prefer. My habitual walk to the lanes. Forty five minutes of modest exercise and fluffy, green therapy.

CO2 is expected to rise by 16% in the coming few years. Instead of falling as promised at the Paris banquet and elsewhere. The experts are now talking about 2.7C above pre-industrial levels. 

They had only one job. Save the world and safeguard their citizens. They only pretended they would do so. 

Denmark and other geographical, medieval legacies, may have the answer: Fuel poverty. Tax electricity even further beyond the average Dane's ability to pay. Then bribe them into believing that heat pumps will save the world. 

Except that they wont. They will lead to massive electricity bills for the vast majority. i.e. Those who do not live in well insulated homes or flats. With their stoves gone there will be lots of those who cannot burn the last of the furniture to keep the kids warm. Used industrial pallets, for home heating, will go through the roof. The drugs mafia will take over this far more lucrative service. But hey, that's progress! 👍

Meanwhile, the price of fuel for the citizen's aging [but vital] car makes it uneconomical to continue ownership. Another brick falls into place. Less traveling = Lower CO2. Easily proven from 2020 when our supposed "betters" utterly failed to contain the Jinping Plague. A million EVs on the Danish roads? No need. Nobody could afford the monopoly money prices anyway. Not after taxes on taxes on taxes.

"Look to us!" They will cry. "We saved the world by reducing CO2." The economic pressures on the ever poorer citizen lead to much reduced consumption. Businesses steadily lose their customer base. Jobs are lost. Economic collapse begins as the vast plans for "greening the economy" grind the consumer into the coming, economic, dust bowl. 

Next comes AI and the robot revolution. Swathes of once-reliable employment simply vanish overnight. Unemployment soars in step with ever rising prices and massively reduced, tax income. 

The only safe jobs are in the idiotically dubbed, "Job Centers." Where only trained sociopaths are guaranteed employment. Fat bonuses for every citizen turned away empty handed. Always after an intensive bullying session to well rehearsed bullshit. Their work ethic and motto: "Keep them VERY afraid!"

Now mix in hundreds of millions of wandering climate refugees. Endlessly searching for an escape from their former dictators amid uninhabitable, newly-desert conditions. Only to find populist [wannabe] dictators in every new land. Each border protected by an army of snipers and electrified fences. The latter suitably fed from "green" sources, of course.

And everybody The 1% lived happily ever after on Mars. 😉


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