Everything is green or covered in flowers. Bright waves move across the glistening crops. Every tree and hedgerow is full of birdsong. Sunday's absence of traffic noise allowed even the quieter birds to be heard clearly from their shady hiding places. Though don't ask me what some of them were.
A south-easterly breeze helped to cool me as I walked back into the brilliant sunshine. Even at a modest 63F/17C it felt very warm. Sheets of thin, stippled cloud helped to decorate the scene of rural tranquillity. It reach 70F by 12.30 so it may get warmer still.
Spent the morning cutting a 15' beech hedge back to about 13' just for the exercise. I really need a line to go by. As my going by eye is proving inadequate. Finding stakes that tall for a cord line might be a problem. I highly recommend aluminium, Japanese style, tripod stepladders. They are not only light but incredibly stable because of the wide, flared base to the steps. Despite having collected so many other ladders over the years I am really enjoying the new ones. I often just lean them into the hedge without bothering with the third, adjustable leg. Works a treat if the top end of the ladder is "busy" enough to provide plenty of resistance.
Amazingly, I found a Danish stockist who only charges a fraction of the UK prices and saved myself heavy, international freight charges to boot. Assuming, of course, any UK or German stockist was willing to deal with me. The "big name" ladders are horribly expensive even online! The Head Gardener would never have allowed it despite it being Her Idea. Praise be Her name!
Today, I opened YouTube to look for an informative video, as you do, but unusually, without signing in. It was a bit of a shock! To say the least! Apart from all the absolute pop dross with which I was presented, there was a video on freedom of speech, in Danish in Denmark, by the Danish National TV Service. DR.
Allow me to state, here and now, that playing a loud jingle behind legal advice is about as far from reality as one is ever likely to come across. Even in Denmark. Countless 100,000s of non-Danish speaking bods may well find themselves struggling with this gibbering idiocy. I could say that "heads should roll" but I believe that is actually against Danish law. At least as far as I could tell. I was simultaneously listening to a Danish law expert, speaking softly, in Danish, behind a wall of JANGLING JINGLE!
An experience suitable only for a thrash metal, music fan, Guantanamo inmates or the Korean DMZ! No offence meant to any of them. [Just in case!] So, any ignorance on my part, of the Danish laws on freedom of speech is now strictly thanks to DR TV's drooling [educational video] editing staff.
I imagine the technical staff at DR have to double as [infant] children's programme sound editors too. While DR may enjoy double the TV license fee of Gravely Blighted there are an awful lot less Danes than Brits. So, while the BBC can sport literally hundreds of multimillion salary, sports presenters [and sports experts] DR must make do on a [relative] shoestring. Besides the Danes only play basketball and cycle race. So there's not much demand for spectator sport TV slebs.
After all, it's not as if these DR folk can claim to <cough> work for the BBC. Where such deliberately ignorant behaviour is completely second nature. The BBC is ever faithful to the demands of their [landed] superiors. A bit like Labradors really. As this branch of the <cough> intelligence services works tirelessly to dumb down the entire UK populace. To somewhere between a brain-damaged sheep [which has just fallen off a Welsh cliff] and a gnat recently swallowed by a goldfish. [No gnats, sheep or goldfish were hurt in the writing of this nonsense.] I really must get out on the trike more to re-balance my world view.
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