9 May 2019

9th May 2019 Abandon Hope.. 2.


Thursday 9th 50F, misty, dead calm with a heavy overcast and light overnight rain. A walk to the lanes. After weeks of  my selflessly kicking branches and twigs back onto the verge from the hedge slashers. Now the lawnmowers have been along and pushed them all back onto the road! I'll have to start all over again while dodging the sociopathic commuters.

Toxic landscape.

The really big news is that useless plastic waste may soon be converted into a useful form in an acid bath. The resulting material can be fully recycled and reformed into new and useful plastics with a wide variety of uses. A new chemical industry, valued at trillions, may even save a whale or two from a painful death.

Meanwhile the politicooze have their mouths open even wider than usual. It must be another election to the gravy train! The empty promises are already falling like mud slides. The village high street was already defaced by their ugly mugshots on wanted posters on the very same day it was announced. 

Have you ever tried watching a parliamentary debate with the sound off? I highly recommend it. The same lies and empty promises hurled around like raging apes at the zoo.

Another toxic landscape.

Except that you can't tell which party is which. So whether they claim to represent your own biased opinions, or their own, no longer matters. They claim they serve their country. Aren't public servants supposed to serve ALL of the people?

Click on any image for an enlargement.


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