Saturday 4th 36-48F, cool but bright, breezy, cloudy and sunny. Overnight ice has slid off the house roof and frozen fast to the roof of the greenhouse. The forecast is for sunshine. Or only a little sunshine and rain. Take your pick from these two highly competitive, expert, Danish, weather services.
I'm a tree!
Walked to the lane against a cold wind under a grey sky. A Marsh Harrier[?] took off from beside the road and soared low on the wind just ahead of me. As it peered intently downwards in the hope of breakfast. It soon crossed to the field opposite just as I tried to capture it with my camera. Tilting this way and that with stiff, but narrow wings as it worked its away across the next, vast prairie. Too small for a Red kite but both birds are quite similarly marked. Sorry about the poor image.
Meanwhile: A
The headmaster has been placed on the [years-long] waiting list for help with his chronic delusions of grandeur and denial of reality. I'm afraid early retirement is out of the question because his sickness is still so prevalent, amongst this sort of trash in education. Most UK schools would have to close through lack of <cough> leadership if they had a good clear out. Meanwhile the brave young lady has moved onto another school. Much further away from the trash she safely left behind.
Rumours that the staff held a lavish celebratory party at a 5-star restaurant before moving onto expensive,
Rather than getting the official, fast track lesson on how to protect your drug sales turf with knife and gun crime. Or, model, street gang organisation for higher achieving sociopaths. Accounting for self-employed, protection racket operators? The latest movement in expressionist graffiti [in oils] for those of an artistic bent but seriously, educationally challenged. There must be something on the curriculum they like?
While those going onto higher education will fully expect a course [with one-on-one tutorials] in advanced sex trafficking. Or the personal customisation of stolen, luxury cars for pimps, gangsters, estate agents and modern slave drivers. I hear it's nice work if you can get it. 😎
Sunday 5th 36-53F, bright and breezy with sunny periods. White frost on the grass again. Walked to the lanes against the cold wind. A teenage girl was walking towards me in the far distance. On a deserted rural lane I hope my own presence didn't make her feel uncomfortable. She turned off before our paths met but it was an exceedingly rare event to see anyone else out walking on my morning stroll.
A hare popped out from behind the hedge only yards away and instantly thought better of it. Meanwhile swallows were charging about enthusiastically in increasing numbers. Skimming low over the dark green crops they catch the sun in bright flashes of their white undersides as they twist and turn. Gulls too often flash brightly in the sunlight against a darkened sky. Busy all day at home.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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