Walked to the lanes in breezy sunshine. The farmer was spraying a field beside the road but the wind was [hopefully] carrying any overspray away from me.
The health news is that many cancers are related to a poor diet. High in red meat, highly processed "foods" and sugar [soda] but low in grains, fibre, fruit and vegetables. So now you really can can officially ask for a supersized Cancer bun and a Lethal sugar bomb drink, to go. There's a joke about blast radius in there somewhere but I won't push it.
Meanwhile, Emperor Xi, the World's richest man, by an order of magnitude and under whom nothing happens without his getting his cut: Is profiting from ozone-destroying CFCs. This, despite a global ban. A sunny day but rather windy. Peaking at 65F. I was excused a shopping ride on medical grounds. [Aka: Still aching all over.]
Friday 24th 53F, bright and sunny start but windy and some cloud around again. Due to deepening wriggles in the jet stream, thanks to a very much warmer Arctic, Denmark's average temperature has already risen by 1.5°. Given the low lying nature of Denmark, coastal flooding is extremely likely. A lot of coastal homes are already at or below present sea levels. "Get your Wellies here! Lovely Wellies!"
Fortunately, Denmark is building lots of cloudburst storage ponds. So that's alright then. Don't get me wrong. They make excellent wildlife habitats and beautify the villages and countrysides. The sheer number of these ponds being dug and naturally planted, suggests a gloom and doom prediction for future weather. They seem to be springing up, or rather down, everywhere I go.
A longer walk, clockwise up to the woods. Past the oaks, the field maples and on through, or rather under, the now densely dressed beeches. Then back down to the road via the steep track with fine views out over the local countryside. An afternoon tootle on the trike into spitting rain under a grey sky. It rained properly on the way back! Only 7 miles.
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