We must all pray we don't live long enough to rely on one bath a month with the aid of the <cough> social services. As the talking heads auto-promise [on auto-cue] to spend billions they don't have and never will have.
Odd that, considering many parties have had nearly a century to practice what they preach at each and every election [worldwide.] Supersize me on the
Thursday 16th 51F, sunny start but breezy. Cloud expected. A walk to the lanes to snap away at the gorgeous countryside with my camera. It is looking its best with fresh green leaves and crops with countless flowers adorning the hedgerows. There are birds everywhere. I managed to take 45 pictures before it became fully overcast.
A mature lady came cycling down the hill with her faithful dog jogging effortlessly alongside on a lead. I only see them once in a while, in different places, but she must cycle some distance. I never saw dogs running beside bicycles until I came to Denmark. We once saw a mutt riding a scooter at high speed with a dog racing frantically alongside on a short lead. Unfortunately the mutt did not crash. So probably went on to breed and produce more sickly mongrels like himself.
Talking of wasters. I see St.Margrethe Vestager [blessed be Her name] is aiming for the top post in the EU as one of the crap, tin-pot dictators and career politicoozer retires. So there may well be hope for the EU after all. It's a shame she wasn't around before the retiree drove Gravely Blighted into the Brexit lunacy cycle!
Friday 17th 50-52F, overcast, breezy. A bank holiday with all the shops closed. It rained. Walked to the lanes. A bird of prey flew slowly through our garden lower than the trees. Possibly a goshawk due to the "pointy" wings.
At one point the mist was thick enough to be visible as low clouds drifting against the dark crops. It all arrived rather suddenly. Spreading across the landscape to obscure the woods and copses. The mist soon cleared to sunshine later on. So I went for a shopping ride. Crosswind going both ways. Only 12 miles. I was undressing at each chance I got. Ending up in just a racing jersey and shorts. The jacket, cardigan, cap and gloves all went into the 40 litre, Overboard, duffel/saddle bag. Fortunately I had taken the fingerless mitts with me.
Sunday 19th 55-67F, overcast and breezy. Another warm day is promised but probably no sun until this afternoon. It took a long time to arrive but eventually became warm and sunny.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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