The local supermarkets are charging more at the checkout for goods than the printed labels on their shelves. They used to prosecute and heavily fine such behaviour in Gravely Blighted.
Unfortunately Denmark has no consumer protection. Though it does have monopoly money, monopoly supermarket chains who consider themselves well above the law. Their favourite trick is advertising special offers which never [ever] arrive in the shops. This happens on a weekly basis. Or advertising special offers but not changing the shelf labels so they can still charge full price without anyone noticing. [Except me.]
Denmark's criminals are protected by vicious privacy laws. The UK police welcome dashcam videos of dangerous driving. Danish police prosecute owners of dashcams who share their footage. Posting images or video of any criminal behaviour online in Denmark will fetch a fine or prison sentence many times higher than the sanctions on the original criminal behaviour. It is illegal to have security cameras which cover the public domain. But the police go around asking camera owners for footage which might capture a terrorist after a mass murder.
If I were to name the supermarket here. Or show the shelf price labels and my printed receipts, on my blog or on YouTube. It is I who WOULD BE PROSECUTED.

This image was taken by The Head Gardener.
In the UK there are numerous road safety pioneering cyclists with action cams. They have been sharing [on YouTube] other road user's idiocy and criminal behaviour for many years. Such behaviour would give the vlogging cyclist a long criminal record in Denmark.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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