Saturday 12th 41F, dark grey with racing clouds and heavy showers. Walked to the village and back.
An American teenager has donned a blindfold to drive a car into approaching traffic. No doubt the Guinness Book of World Records will be checking whether one red sock and one blue were being worn at the time. As per their strict regulations for awarding all new, qualifying records. It certainly brings the world to yet another level of copycat idiocy of fictional scenes shown in Netflix's totally ridiculous "Birdbox."
Provided the "victim" can stump up a few dollars for a desperate 'ambulance chaser' the teenager will probably pay a pocket money fine of one chocolate bar. And, be banned for precisely 0.3 minutes if at any time, in the future, they should practice their blindfolded, driving skills again.
That's the problem with Darwin's rules for survival. Wealth always intervenes to skew the results. While owning a driving license is an unquestioned, basic human right. Even for the repeatedly genocidal.
The latest news is yet another suicide risk from followers of some utterly pointless, online drivel called "a challenge for drooling morons." At least the suspect, who confessed to starting the craze, was half right. Not all humans are equally endowed with grey matter. Some are merely voluntary, disposable, vegetable matter.
There are countless morons on YouTube who believe in an alternative reality which is so easily disproved that it shouldn't need to be mentioned. They automatically disbelieve everything they cannot see with their own eyes. But have no will to open them to the countless videos right alongside the moronic tripe and transparent lies they so avidly support.
Perhaps they think they are rebelling against something? Just as we did by all wearing exactly the same clothes [Flared Levis and T-shirts] and growing our hair long. There were plenty of puppet masters making a vast fortune at our expense back then too.
It is reported that 71% of all Range Rovers and Land Rovers break down each year and have received the right, royal honour of becoming the least reliable mark. I seem to remember that a public, autonomous emergency brake test [AEB] failed abysmally leading to a recall. They, Rover, are still bragging about it on their propaganda websites.
It all smacks of the collapse of the British motorcycle and car industry back in the 60s. The new Japanese bikes were as fast as the cast iron garden gates but with half the capacity, half the cost and half the weight of the Rockers' once favourite, pre-war technology, mounts.
Now Tesla is disturbing the filthy icicles of whole ranges of vehicles frozen forever in some fictitious past. As the Chinese practice their fast track, technological revolution. Simply by studying the failures of the opposition to adapt to the new climate. No doubt the same holds true for the climate-denying, politicooze. All riding their private gravy train of musical chairs towards the yawning abyss of hideous, everyday reality. The rest, as they say, is history. It will not be pretty.
Sunday 13th 41F, dark grey, misty, showers, or rain and becoming windy. I left into heavy drizzle but it slowly petered out. A driver had cut a corner up ahead and was proceeding along the middle of the road to avoid me. When an oncoming car suddenly emerged from the next, blind corner. Producing a violent reaction in the first, which demanded I take quickly to the soggy verge for my own safety.
Over a dozen SUVs went past in a ragged convoy of tyre spray. Obviously on their way to disturbing the Sunday morning peace. At 9.35am precisely cries and shouts could be heard from across the damp fields. As dark figures surrounded an innocent copse. Only a few shots were exchanged before half of them gave up and returned to their cars arranged along the lane. The racing dogs and their handlers moved onto another copse, with menaces, but no more shots were heard.
It seems that a software update caused Lime electric scooters, in Switzerland to suddenly brake and throw off their riders. All the scooters have been withdrawn for repairs. No doubt we can all look forward to flying cars enjoying short cuts over major airports, or nuclear power stations, after a software update.
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