
13th 60F, 15C, heavy overcast
and breezy with more showers forecast. If I understand the news
correctly the Danish government is going to do a whitewash job of the EU
at taxpayer's expense. I had no idea recently empty horse stables were
still subsidized by remaining EU taxpayers. The rich having already
bolted to their tax havens. I suppose it makes a change from
handing the EU Mafia several billions to build cycle paths to nowhere.
Talking of which, I passed a workman pushing a motor powered, cylindrical brush
along a recently built/laid cycle path. Having just negotiated my way through
hundreds of sharp stones up to golf ball size I wondered exactly where
he had started his journey. I would have thought a rubber tracked bulldozer would
have been far more appropriate! As would "berms" to stop rain driven, sand landslides
from flowing across the new cycle paths from recent landscaping. Why do they never think of this?
all they need is a few legal order notices to inhabitants of roadside
houses to keep their drive gravel and vehicles off the new paths. You'd
think they'd be happy having a nice cycle path between themselves and
the busy road, but no. They obviously preferred being able to shoot
straight off their loose gravel drives and straight into the traffic.

village cycle lanes are also blocked by illegally parked cars. They
should be parked outboard of the cycle lane but mostly straddle the
marked lane instead. Their paintwork must mean far more to them than
[the very low risk of] fines for obstruction.
I had a
bright idea for ensuring rapid assimilation of immigrants into "World's
Happiest" Denmark. Give them all antidepressants so they don't feel left
out. Recent research shows that antidepressant prescriptions are
skyrocketing in the "cheerful" Scandinavian socialist countries. Most of
which can now lay claim to over
1 in 3 of the entire population constantly "fixing" their smiles.
enjoyed a walk under grey skies to a quiet, marshy area at the bottom
of a shallow valley. There was a small area fenced off for breeding
pheasants with the token white hens. I am never sure whether the hens
are for incubating mass produced pheasants eggs or for imprinting
parenthood and ensuring easy targets for blunderbusses.
there had been some drainage work on the adjoining fields leading to
the dense strip of willow growth. Narrow, open channels of water provide
space for ducks or other water birds should they be so inclined. Though
I saw none except for a loose and rather tame, immature pheasant today I
have often seen large Herons perched around here. You wouldn't think
herons would find trees particularly comfortable but there they are.

whole valley bottom is inhabited by lots of different birds. They nest
and feed on the large quantities of wild flower seeds and insects which
enjoy the largely undisturbed habitat. The reason for all this wildlife
'philanthropy' is obviously for shooting. The perfect, marshy habitat is
almost an accident but still very attractive if you like that sort of
thing. Tracks of rough grass allow easy access by 4WD to the bod who
comes to feed the pheasants. Or for the much rarer pedestrian armed only
with binoculars and camera. Even at the weekend one is very unlikely to
come across another soul on the gravel track which slopes down and
across the valley. I hung about taking photographs rather than pressing
further on towards the more distant forest due to threatening rain spots
in the cool breeze. Though the "showers" never amounted to anything
serious it is brightening to light grey now. So no excuse for another
rest day clipping hedges and mending things which have fallen off the
happy home.
into a crosswind with aching legs. It tried to rain at halfway so I
detoured down to the new wildlife lake. There was a new wooden shed
which I took to be a hide. Nope. It has a whining water pump in there.
Ever onwards on wet roads. Shopped, or would have, if they had any stock
of their special offers! It rained harder and longer and even provided a
headwind on the way home. I tried the tri-bars for a little light
relief but my legs weren't in it.

My TEC12 yellow
sunglasses have finally died after 3 years of occasional wear. Both ear pieces split wide open to reveal a
hideous green mess from the sharp, brass, stiffening wires encased in
some kind of liquid jelly. Silicone? Botox for floppy ears? Who knows? I
didn't notice anything until I stabbed myself in the ear with the brass
spike while putting them on under my helmet! They were my first pair of
serious cycling glasses and cost me well over £20, if I remember
correctly, but they are now dustbin fodder.
have been suffering from a red 'butterfly' mark above my eyebrows and
have been trying to pin down if any of my cycling sunglasses were
responsible. I tend to rotate through my modest collection of cheapo
supermarket and one pair of "posh" cycling shop bought glasses. I also wear cheapo
supermarket reading glasses while on the computer. So it is hard to tell
which or what is causing this ugly allergy.

I "broke
out" in my youth when I first needed prescription glasses for driving
and made the mistake of going to Boots. Their cheapest metal frame
glasses made my face explode into a nasty, red, itchy rash. So then it
was onto their self-destructing plastic frames. These had an expensive
habit of breaking where the oversized lenses were forced into too small
eye frames. Though, of course, this was NOT THEIR FAULT!!
Taking up
cycling seriously finally cured my decades of 1 dioptre distance vision error.
It happened inside a couple of years, in my mid 60's. I still
need reading glasses but I couldn't read a wall clock from any distance over several yards only a few short years ago. Now I can see the leaves on trees on the horizon. No doubt DC Comics will soon be sketching out a series on the curmudgeonly clown on the tricycle with superhuman vision. 15 miles, out, but not out. If you get my drift.
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