Saturday 24th 60-77F, bright start after early mist. Warm and sunny forecast. Just my usual, 40 minute walk to the lanes. The health news is that athletes are destroying their teeth with sugar loaded energy drinks, gels and bars. Despite being far more dental hygiene orientated, than the average person, they are providing a perfect environment for tooth decay.
Woodwork in the morning. Loading a trailer full of gravel by shovel in the afternoon. Then distributed the gravel again by shovel.I hope I don't have a bad back tomorrow!
My trousers were saturated up to the knees from the heavy dew and covered in grass seeds and sticky burrs. I may have become an accidental green terror-wotsit if any of these seeds hatch! If The Head Gardner spots the problem I could be banished from Chez Hovel.
Already 71F before 10am. It is supposed to reach 80F today. A darkly tanned cyclist on a racing bike went past, without a helmet and ignored my greeting. Perhaps I was invisible without my trike under me? 82F by 13.20pm. Expected to reach 30C in the next two days. Too tired for a ride after the gravel fiasco.
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