13 Aug 2019

13th August 2019 Unlucky for some?


Tuesday 13th 59-64F, unlucky for most? A damp and sweaty 59F and cloudy with another dose of cloudbursts on offer. The sky looked fairly benign as I plodded away into a damp world from further, overnight cloudbursts. The fields were puddled where I had seen none before. It must be all those massive machines compressing the soil. By the time I had turned back in the lanes there were ominous signs of an accumulus of intent. Huge towers of mashed potato were bubbling up as the sky steadily darkened. 

The bus driver was holding up the traffic on the sharp corners as he chatted into his mobile phone. Held high and proudly in his left hand. Meanwhile the verges were overgrown and sopping wet. Meaning I could not so easily avoid the brain dead who failed to alter course for a human being walking as close to the edge of the road as is humanly possible. 

I may be an old fart but I've had years of practice at this sort of thing. I can understand them still driving while completely senile. But being registered blind, as well, just seems needlessly careless of others needs. The Danish Police are to have a go at speeding motorists. Not that anybody is likely to get into trouble. Because the new software doesn't work and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. 

In an interesting road safety measure, bordering on total insanity, the road signs were changed to allow motorists to drive at 90kph =56mph along specific stretches. Monitoring traffic speeds after the event suggested that few drivers had bothered to increase their speed. Inattention? We may never know.

My own experience of driving regularly on existing 90kph stretches, over the last two decades, is that most drivers add 10kph to the indicated road speed whatever that might be. The Danish Land Speed Record is broken on an hourly basis.

Wednesday 14th 53-64F, bright, but rather cloudy. The forecast is for rain or no rain. The daily pick and mix continues. Walked to the village and back. Tidying the shed. One heavy shower.

Thursday 15th 56F, heavy overcast, raining.. all day apparently. I was going to try a walk in the rain but don't have a waterproof jacket that can cope with the present heavy rain. Which tells you more about the weather here than my failure to provide myself with suitable clothing. It is very rare indeed that I cannot enjoy my morning walk simply because it is raining. Rain just doesn't seem to happen very often. I quickly get cabin fever so I'd remember when I couldn't go out as normal. I know it's daft but why risk the discomfort?

Nevertheless, I decided to make myself the hero of my own legend and go for a walk in the rain. I cheated, a bit, because the rain was already lighter as I donned my boots. Avoiding the spray from the traffic was a real struggle. I actually crossed the road twice to avoid huge lorries giving me a free shower.

It's odd isn't it? You could be arrested for assault for throwing a bucket of water [or even an egg] over somebody. Get in a big lorry and spray hundreds of pedestrians and it's no problem at all.

I soon felt the cool damp on my shoulders from the rain permeating the old jacket. It was already knackered when I bought it from the charity shop years ago. Reproofing might be an idea. Something I have been considering for years without ever getting around to it.

My trouser legs were soon cold and wet too. It's hell out there, I tell you! 😉 Heavy shopping in the car. 🐂 That's supposed to be an ox, believe it or not. I thought they were larger and much more impressive!

Click on any image for an enlargement.


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