21 Feb 2019

21st February 2019 iOgres Google/YouTube caught with its kid's nickers down! 😳


Thursday 21st 42F, grey and windy.

DO NO EVIL iOgres Google/YouTube's unquenchable greed has finally begun to bite back. Major, genocidal, sugar wholesalers, like Nestlé, are pulling adverts. Because of iOgres Google/YouTube's direct association with promoting child porn. Rotting kid's teeth and childhood obesity must not be sullied by smutty images not of their own manufacture!

There was a time when those who embedded iOgres Google/YouTube videos on their websites, blogs and forums could tick a button to STOP iOgres Google/YouTube video auto-suggestion when the user's own video ended. 

This meant that the embedded video screen stayed SAFELY with the original "thumbnail" or user's chosen screenshot, after their own video finished. But the sociopathic dictators, in charge of the world's favourite soft porn, advertising empire, decided that increasing their dirty, tax-free profits was FAR MORE important. 

So now, when somebody posted a video about their hobby on things like cycling, clocks or astronomy. Their blog or website would be desecrated by images of child porn, or other salacious material, when their own video ended. 

Video, auto-start embedding soon became popular on forums dealing with the complete range of subject matter. Because it brought interest and movement to the rather static text. Now when the member's YT video ends it can be replaced with some very doubtful material. Which reflects DIRECTLY on the innocent member who posted the original video!

Not to mention the completely innocent forum. Which is now "promoting" iOgres Google/YouTube's very doubtful message and even worse imagery. Where does the innocent forum member, or the forum, stand legally if the sordid iOgres Google/YouTube following material brings a local prosecution?

DO NO EVIL  iOgres, Google/YouTube decided that their tax-free trillions were not nearly enough to satiate their Midas greed. They had to rule the entire universe. Just to rub it in that they really were all-powerful and completely untouchable by any laws or any moral code. 

Much of iOgres Google/YouTube's mass consumption dross is undeclared, product placement. By overpaid and directly subsidized "personalities." So it was very likely that iOgres Google/YouTube's video auto-suggestion would bring this vile scum to the surface of the iOgres Google/YouTube's sewer.

Anything goes to provide increased and untaxed profits for all concerned. The hordes of drooling followers lap up the transparent iOgres Google/YouTube sales pitch and place orders with their idol's crooked promoters.

Today's exercise, apart from brisk typing, was a 50 minute walk to the lanes. I was entertained by a skylark's song. Dark grey and 44F, 7C here. While Britain is enjoying 18C, 64F in February.

By coincidence I discovered a former home of ours in the UK is up for sale. The asking price is exactly 5x what we sold it for 23 years ago. After years of hoping the iOgre's Google Earth would update the aerial views, it is very odd to be presented with 30-odd, estate agent's pictures of "our" old cottage. The one we rebuilt, ourselves, from an uninhabitable ruin with the help of a one man, part time builder. The ancient cottage was half buried in a field, with several sheep clattering on the roof when we "viewed" it. UK house prices are a completely artificial concept with absolutely no bearing on any reality. Just the price of the politicooze not taxing property investment, money laundering.

Friday 22nd 36F, dark grey and windy but expected to brighten.  The degree of brightening depending on which weather service you trust. The independent TV forecast is always far more optimistic.[Warm sunshine] The Danish national weather service far more miserable.[Wet and windy.] Eeny meany miney mo..

Following on from yesterday's rant DO NO EVIL iOgres Google/YouTube have finally reacted to the loss of genocidal, sugar wholesalers, Nestlé dropping their advertising spots because of all the YT perverts. YT has closed down several hundred accounts and banned comments on hundreds of millions of others. It seems iOgres only react when the <cough> bottom line is publicly threatened! Is YT diabetic that it can't tolerate a sugar collapse in advertising?

There was no mention in the media of bringing back the STOP YT PORN button. To stop iOgres Google/YouTube video auto suggestion when a user's video ends. YouTube prefers to use algorithms to detect unwanted behaviour in its abusers. But has failed miserably to either notice or react to life changing behaviour against countless, innocent children in exchange for its own, increased, tax-free profits.

Who else do we know with very similar behaviour going back for countless hundreds of years? Presently exchanging favourite, children's, fairy tales in just one of many, tax-free, gilded palace in an impoverished country somewhere in southern Europe.


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