Slightly cool on my hands as I plodded to the lanes and back again. I saw another pedestrian which is extremely unusual. Some young chap walking on the "wrong side" of the road and taking no notice of the traffic.
A small, island copse in a field probably reserved for hunting [shooting.] These are often low spots with a pond hidden within and difficult or too expensive to drain.
The leafy crop is new for this area but has been widely planted. It eventually gets ploughed back in rather than harvested. So may be helping the land to recover from this year's drought. I'm guessing of course. There has been a lot of short, clumpy grass planted too and that gets a regular 'haircut' without collection. Perhaps it's all about soil improvement in the form of a green compost.
Tuesday 13th 47-50F, mild, grey, damp and misty again. Wind and rain later. It stayed dry for my walk and much of the morning before raining in the afternoon. A lethal bird virus is due to reach Denmark with Blackbirds likely victims from midge bites.
"It never happened!" WW1 was fake news. Rain stopped play before it even began, according to Herr Chancellor Chump [The World's Gratest Meteorological and Climate Authority.]
In other braking [sic] news: Big Online Advertising & Pay No Taxes.con's] data centers are going to require at least 300,000 extra wind turbines in Denmark. Neighbours are already complaining about every single windmill raised on Danish soil due to noise and visual disturbance destroying the value of their homes. It's an ill wind...
Data centers will increase Denmark's carbon footprint - DCD
Wednesday 14th 45-50F, clear, with strange pink stripes and light winds. Just another walk without anything particular of notice. An early shopping ride is indicated if malnutrition is not to rear its ugly head. Who knows the global consequences of not having milky morning coffee with organic bread rolls and "full strength" marmalade? Whole civilizations have fallen for less! The image above is credited to The Head Gardener.
Only a short ride to the shops with numerous detours under a grey sky. Still only 8 miles.
Thursday 15th 47F sun rising but still rather cloudy with light winds. Walked to the village and back. Too busy for a ride.
Friday 16th 40-48F, clear and brightening as the sun rises with a bit of a breeze. Another day, another walk. No time for a ride.
By the time I had walked around to the other side of the field they had broken into four groups. They were strolling back in opposite directions to their cars parked along the lanes. Presumably there were no pheasants left in this copse after several shoots over the last couple of weeks. The other birds seemed unnaturally nervous as they raced across the road from hedge to hedge to get away from me.No sign of a single gull when thousands are usually present on the nearest hill.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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