At least this takes the pressure off my doing another long ride for a while. I'd really like to do a 100 mile ride, before it's too late, but it will need careful preparation. Not just setting off with a distant goal and a cheese sandwich on a windy day! That was just, plain daft. I have worked out some 100 mile, roundtoit routes which would keep me within safe reach of home if I did need to bail out. Will I have the psychological stamina NOT to take the short cut home?
Perhaps I ought to do a bit of training at longer rides and build up to it? Ensuring, above all, that I have enough tasty, energy giving foods to keep me well within my reserves for the likely ten hour duration. I don't think I'd enjoy eating too many energy bars or even Corny dark chocolate muesli bars. Bananas may have energy reserves but can get a bit too much beyond two or three in a day. Sandwiches are quite hard work with a dry mouth particularly on a warm day. As are digestive biscuits. Getting enough fluids is another major problem as I don't much enjoy anything but pure apple juice out on the road. Only when caught out by a very warm day have I consumed very much plain water. Though I don't think I've ever drunk more than three normal, cage bottles of tap water in a whole 8 hour, 80 mile ride. Perhaps once.
Anyone cycle touring in Denmark should remember that many rural churches have a toilet with a sink/washbasin. The toilet buildings are often placed out of sight at the far end of the church grounds but can be very handy in an emergency. They are always spotlessly clean in my own, rather limited experience. Denmark doesn't have many public toilets. Brugsens [Coop] and the tax-payer subsidized churches are the usual point of call. Some other supermarkets will usually allow the use of the staff toilet. Though I was once refused access by a teenage staff member at Fakta in Svendborg harbour. Fakta is a downmarket branch of the Coop. They sell the same stuff but at two different price levels and employ even more [surly] staff at Brugsens. I think they must breed them specially. One very large Brugsen closed after management deliberately placed a sour, racist dragon continuously alone on the checkouts. This increased my mileage considerably but did manage to lower my blood pressure to a safer level. Shopping there was like running the gauntlet with the "Hounds of the Baskervilles!" I kid you not! My hands used to start shaking as I approached the automatic doors!
I disturbed a tiny male Kestrel which was sitting on a post. It was certainly the correct coloration and shape for a Kestrel but it did seem rather small. Checking online suggests a migrant Lesser Kestrel. Which I had never even heard of before today. Three Skylarks jostled for position overhead as male Chaffinches sang from each of the trees in the field hedgerow. One had a female Greenfinch sitting within two feet of it. Though neither seemed perturbed by the presence of the other. A Song thrush was busy singing too but lost in the scruffy hedging. Unlike the far more common Blackbirds they don't seek out a high point to sing. In fact I only very rarely spot thrushes in Denmark. They are almost as shy as Robins over here. Though we do catch an occasional glimpse of one on the lawn. Clockwork Starlings are appearing in ever larger numbers now and I watched one for a while through my binoculars. As long lengths of dried weeds were being dragged in through the hole of a nesting box.
A background drone of a tractor proved to be a pig's muck dribbler. Which raised the POO scale from 6, at home in the garden, as I put on my boots and gaiters. To a definite 7/10 once it had wafted downwind to me as I walked back along the road over half a mile away. It will usually make your eyes water and bring on a regular cough at that level of toxicity. But let's pile on a whole lot more to save the farmer's from imminent bankruptcy! The politic-ooze argument about quantity and placement still rumbles on. As coalition parties wrangle over house points in the desperate hope of any media attention attracting a few more voters in the next game of musical chairs on the gravy train.
A late morning ride in POO 7/10. The roads were plastered in dried-on farmer's mud. I shall have to go out again after lunch. Yet again a new set of Schwalbe Plus surprised me with their rubbery and energetic sense of urgency. I remember this from the last time I tried them. They certainly aren't light but they just seem to roll well. Happily sailing over lumps and bumps, gravel and stones on the road.
A Volvo estate driver was so insanely determined to push past me in a bottleneck and against oncoming traffic that I swear he clipped my mirror. Then I was overtaken on a blind corner by another registered blind, drunken, drug abusing, educationally challenged, drooling moron just as an electric mobility scooter approached with overtaking traffic. It's really no good my blaming these nutters for their raving imbecility. I am just going to have to accept the the fact that they haven't two functional brain cells to rub together and be done with it. I'm all for inclusion in society but why the hell are they allowed to play with toy driving licenses? What is that saying..? "Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." I'd settle for a 45 Colt and shooting lessons. Or, better still, handlebar mounted RPGs. As long as they didn't affect the steering. Too "over the top?" Thought so. ;-) 15 miles so far and counting. I forgot to buy milk and The Head Gardener is not amused!
Which is more than I can say for the wonky stitching on the lid strap of my Carradice Bijou Camper Longflap saddlebag. It has obviously become bored with my endless complaints about its emasculation, asymmetry and absolutely pathetic [nay downright shoddy] manufacturing standards. The said strap is now [literally] hanging by a thread M'lud. Not a happy Camper? Suit yourselves. You will anyway. I have an ancient and knackered 'Junior' saddlebag in the shed and that hasn't had any problems with its stitching. Perhaps it has something to do with the leather straps being twice as thick as the modern tat and properly sewn with suitable thread? Surely not? As I had ordered it direct from't mill it is just possible they found themselves caught short. So they did some reject dumpster diving in an attempt to satisfy this eternally grateful customer? A Northern English accent is considered obligatory to get the most from't last few sentences. I did a two post review when it was brand new in 2012. 22 miles total today.
Jun 2012 Carradice-camper-longflap-saddlebag.html
The Carradice Camper is now £85 and they still claim it is 23cm from front to back! Spot the porky!
Carradice Camper longflap saddlebag
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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