25 Apr 2016

25th April 2016 Spam, spam or spam?


Monday 25th 35F, 2C, overnight frost, bright but very cloudy. The wind can't make up its mind which direction it is coming from with the wind vane going around in circles.You'll be delighted to know that parts of Denmark did have snow and that it fell to a depth of 11cm in one place. That's over four inches in old money. Rain is forecast for later. As it was yesterday but didn't amount to anything. Had I believed them I would not have ridden to Odense.

An hour's walk up to the woods and back by the marsh. Upset the Mallards on the pond. A cool wind but still quite bright. My legs felt rather heavy but the walk quickly cured my initial back pain.

The forest tracks have been attacked by large wheeled vehicles. 

I keep getting spam comments from cycling-related businesses and always mark them as spam and delete immediately. There are so many crooks online that I have no more desire to click on untested links than I would post them on my blog to risk my readers' computer security. Do you want to know the really funny part in all of this? Google has deliberately made it impossible to post live links in Comments. So these spamming morons are doubly wasting their time!

We had flurries of snow around lunchtime but now it has settled to heavy overcast and rain. I may have been sprayed or walked too close to sprayed crops. I have a mild headache, fuzziness and dizziness. I even saw double for [probably] the first time in my life while completely sober! Rest day.

Tuesday 26th 35-42F, 2-6C, heavy overcast, windy and raining. No walk today. It kept raining on and off all morning with occasional breaks. I left mid afternoon during a lull and enjoyed a dry ride but only of 7 miles. The forests are now showing more greenery.

Click on any image for an enlargement.


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