26 Jan 2021

26.01.2021 Biden wants 645K Teslas?


Tuesday 26th 31F, mist clearing. White frost. Some sunshine is threatened. Despite feeling rather unwell I pushed myself to walk my familiar loop. Up to the forest, climb the steep tracks and then descend to the next village. The frost and slight mist had softened the landscape. A beautiful sky was tastefully brushed with orange, gold and silver in turn. I saw several birds of prey and three deer.

Ice loss from the top and bottom of our 3rd class planet is accelerating. 

Biden wants to swap 645k, filthy, disease causing, government vehicles with EVs [electric vehicles.] Can the US still afford so many Teslas? What will all those mechanics and dealerships do when they are no longer needed? How will job hierarchy v vehicle choice be managed now? How do you measure V8 cu. inches in Teslas?

What about the fossil manufacturers who still have no electric vehicles ready? Will their fossilised, mismanagement directors be "let go?" Will the Monsters From the Tar Pits now pay their bought men a fat pension instead of fat, tax-free bribes? No of course not! Their paid scum no longer has value to the 1%.

The BBC warns against re-forestation actually doing harm. Big Money must be slavering over the chance to fell natural forest to replace it with countless miles of harvest [profitable] timber. To "save the planet" and all at offshore, tax-free, tax-rebate, taxpayer's expense of course. 

Examples of individual pioneers bringing forest to "impossible" situations exist right around the globe. This, despite local corruption and landowners placing every obstacle in their path. Even murdering them with impunity.

What is the point in replacing the felled Rain Forest with Big Feed, palm oil production? Then replacing that with profitable Big Timber production entirely at public expense?  Dunno. Better ask the sociopathic 1% who run our world. Into the ground.



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