7th 46-49F, mild, dark grey and a still start. All day rain
promised and tomorrow. Walked to the village and back with my EKCO boots squeaking as I
went along. It is getting misty, with the rain starting now. Another,
miserably wet and dark day!
The ruling, right wing [and extreme right] Danish
coalition promised a million electric cars on the Danish highways by
2030 and an end to fossil fuel cars. That is only a short 11 years left to make up the shortfall of 999,300 EVs. [That means minimum EV sales of 90,000 per year!]
There are presently only
1000 EVs due to crippling
180% import duties. The Danish government's own import duty policies caused the EV market to collapse. As sales dropped dramatically year on year from 2015. Tesla's street price effective doubled!
It all culminated in an annual sales figure of an absolutely pathetic,
less than 700 EVs in 2017. Danish car dealers will no longer stock EVs because of the lack of demand in comparison with filthy and known to be, major health damaging, but cheaper diesels.
Now there is talk of not introducing
taxes on electric vehicles in a desperate bid to try and
polarize popularize these
still expensive vehicles. Which, in practice, probably amounts to a direct subsidy
for those rich enough to afford a second Tesla "S" for "business purposes." Nobody else can
afford any of the present, alternative EVs due to the
present import taxes. Certainly not based on
present pathetically low, sales figures.
Norway enjoys a healthy 21% uptake of EVs amongst all their new vehicle sales.
Electric vehicles are exempted from Norway's high import taxes on other vehicles.
CO2 has never been higher and continues to increase. Greenland's ice melting is now described as being right off the scale by scientists. Denmark "cares" for Greenland. The same Greenland
which will probably be completely ice-free, in the summer, by 2030. By which time a solitary [Danish billionaire owned] Electric SUV might well attempt a land crossing.
Danish Climate change promises match the hot air
where EV sales are concerned. Denmark only just scrapes into the top 15
of European EV sales. Just ahead of Iceland with its tiny population
[330,000] and far fewer roads.
The UK subsidizes the
purchase of electric cars. Denmark's taxpayers subsidize the building of
vast and highly unpopular wind farms owned by foreign, big money investors including China and probably Russian oligarchs.
There is
currently NO economical means of wind energy storage when output exceeds
demand. This makes no sense when EVs could be storing a lot of unwanted
energy while charging their batteries overnight [and during the day of course while at work.]
The irony is that car manufacturers themselves are setting far more ambitious targets for phasing out the internal combustion engine in favour of EVs. Wouldn't it be amusing if Denmark was the last country still trying to buy gas guzzlers when they were no longer available? Eventually to become a sort of international, climate pariah with an aging fleet of old cars much like Cuba's.
Denmark still employs
coal-fired power stations. A recent report said that Denmark's CO2 would
increase by 5-10% over the coming years. Instead of reducing
to match the empty promises made at international climate meetings. The arrival of Mega-data centers will considerably increase coal usage while the IT giants will only be pretending to use Denmark's "green," wind power.
The head of the independent Danish Climate Advisory Panel resigned recently. After the <cough> Danish environment minister asked the panel
not to criticize his government's own practices and policies on climate change! The minister has a appointed a new academic head to the panel.
Danish government asked us not to criticise: former climate council leader - The Local