The sky started off clear blue with persistent vapour trails but became progressively more cloudy. It was very pretty for a while with mackerel patches of cloud brushed with flick-outs by the wind. Then it all became rippled like a sandy beach. Even a brief moment when the prairie in front of the the forest misted over just as the sun broke free. Alas, it was almost over by the time I reached home again and it had become a grey overcast. A large bird of prey took off from the field pond in the image above. I may be allowed out on the trike after morning coffee. And was, for thirteen miles. Rather grey with a crosswind.
It seems the government has had enough of international terrorism on the motorway bridges. Cameras are finally to be fitted to a number of bridges.
Friday 22nd 39-40F, 4 and a bit C, a calm start with a slight risk of sunshine.
The Danish news has an update on the rock throwing caveman in the form of DNA traces. It seems random rock throwing is a fairly commonplace pastime in the Tarup area of NW Odense. From whence the large kerb stone was taken 7 miles to kill a German lady and to permanently cripple her husband while they were driving under a bridge across the motorway. The DNA is said to match the same vandal given to hurling stones through innocent people's windows locally.
Sadly there is no punishment where a guilty sentence can be passed to suspend such evil characters from a rope tied to the railings of said motorway bridge. It only needs one example to be made to put an end to such murderous pastimes. Not to mention a warning to the educationally challenged who consider copycat behaviour is perfectly acceptable. Is there a more cowardly and pointless act than to drop large rocks on completely random and innocent motorists for one's own entertainment? Thought not.
An update: A Dane has kindly offered a 10,000DKK, £1200GB, $1600US reward for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the rock throwing caveman. The philanthropist's generosity was triggered by the unease caused by regular motorway driving in the affected area. A perfect definition of terrorism IMO.
Cleaned the trike with a brush and rainwater because it was getting loaded with sand from all the road salting. My chain still goes rusty even when I oil it before every outing.
Rode to more distant shops in weak sunshine. Two NDEs. Both due to white van men[?] brushing very closely past me with only a single car approaching. They obviously lacked the brains and morals to manage even the most basic skills of driving but had still managed to buy their licenses somewhere. The first waved back when gave "it" a "helpful" hand signal. I couldn't see whether the driver was male, female, demonic or just an alien. With luck the new cycle paths will be finished this decade. But I'm afraid I can't hold my breath that long. Not at my age!
I thought I might corner the market in 1.5m [5'] long, red, plastic warning "stalks" for cyclists to bolt to their rear ends. Then realised that it might be impractical parking more than one in the cycle racks outside supermarkets. So then I thought of having megawatt lasers marking the legal minimum overtaking distance from cycles. Come within that range a you'll suffer the consequences! A genius ahead of his time? Probably not. 😉
A local supermarket had stuck their typed A4 of Christmas opening hours on their sliding door. Every time I was was perfectly lined up to read the small print, the sensor above me would open the door. Whereupon the sign would promptly vanish, stage left. Perhaps they thought I needed the [mental] exercise? Just another YouTube troll? Whatever. The trike was just as filthy, as before its premature, spring clean, when I put it away later. I checked the mileage and had exceeded my own expectations. 15, wholemeal, organic miles.
Saturday 23rd 44-48F, 7-9C, breezy becoming very windy. Forecast to be stormy tomorrow. Still quite dark at 8.30am. Had a longer walk up to the far woods and back along the marsh for 90 minutes. There was an unusual wildness to the woods with the wind roaring in my ears and the tops. One white duck and several Mallards on the pond. No ride today. It is incredibly mild for this time of year, even at night.
Sunday 24th 46F, 8C. Mild, heavy overcast with light winds. Gusts to over 40mph expected later. The wind was building during my walk but eased off again. Small clouds of finches were moving along the hedgerows. With the larger Fieldfares moving in nervous flocks above them. Fine drizzle and headwind forced a premature about-turn. A miserably dark, grey day with rain and wind.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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