9 Dec 2024

9.12.2024 Rattling as I walk.


 Monday 9th 40F/4C [7.00]

 Up at 6.20 after a very disturbed night.

 I have run out of several tablets. So will have to go into the village pharmacy. [Apotek]

 7.30 62F/17C in the room. It feels chilly. Lit the stove. 

8.10 Getting light enough to see the grey sky. Fast moving clouds coming from the north. Almost uniform grey with darker clouds and slightly lighter patches. 

 21.30 Back from a short walk around the drives. Grey but dry. There was an unpleasantly cold and strong, gusty NE wind. The drives are full of potholes and puddles. The back field has standing water but nothing to worry about. Morning coffee and then I'll drive into the village. 

 The room has risen to 65F/18C thanks to a fat log burning in my absence. I am leaving the table lamps lit to help to avoid winter depression. The fish tank and plant work light are adding their own contributions to light levels. Without them the room would be almost dark. The laundry work continues. I ought to discard the holey and raggedy towels and use them as rags.

 11.30 Back from the village. The Shell petrol station had lost its internet connection. So they couldn't sell petrol! So it was on to the next. To fill up from empty. The Danish news said later that there was a DDOS attack on many Danish targets.

 I am now taking seven tablets per day. Including a multivitamin. I bought some 5m extension leads. To reduce the chains of shorter leads spread across the floor. I must start tidying in preparation for my visitor tomorrow.

 16.00 Still tidying. It is never ending. It all has to be sorted. So I can find things again.

 Netflix was unavailable earlier. No internet on the TV. My PC was having no such problems.

 Dinner was bangers and mash with tweggs. I was able to turn the sausages by a quarter of a turn until they were perfect on every side.



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