Tuesday 17th 47F/8C [8.50] Another mild grey day with some rain and wind.
Up at 7.10 after another quiet night. I have been sorting out my many pills. Which I have to take for my heart/circulation problems. The pills in screw top pots are easy. I can see what they look like at a glance. Then match them with the label. I rely heavily on their appearance to avoid duplication and shortages.
The foil wrapped tablets are much more difficult to recognize. Unless I release one tablet I don't remember what they look like. The foolishly long drug names don't mean anything. Worse, I keep being given non-original tablets with different names but supposedly the same side effects. So the names and even the appearance get mixed up even more.
Seven tablets per day now. Including a multivitamin. I use a plastic drawer dispenser marked with days of the week. The only safe way to avoid forgetting a day altogether. Or inadvertently doubling my dosage. Luckily only the former has occurred until now. Several times!
IKEA in-building case for an oven.
10.00 Back from a walk to the lanes. I even made it as far as my usual turning point. A niggling, cold wind tried to spoil my outing. It drizzled lightly on the way back. Meanwhile the rather sad, old house there is progressing. A brand new, outside door has been added. Where one would least expect it. This gave me some ideas about security while still allowing light to enter.
The house stands completely alone on the lane. Without neighbourly oversight. So must present something of a security risk. We dismissed many potential [cheap] homes. Which were for sale over the years. Where isolation and security might have been an issue.
10.45 I have continued to do online homework about washing machine installation. If only to ensure that any work done confirms to accepted standards. A non-return valve and stop tap are needed in the machine's water supply.
The drainage is the main problem. My logic suggests a 110mm branch be inserted in one of the underground PVC drainpipes leading to the inspection chamber.
What I don't know is the legally required termination. Between the indoor PVC pipe and the 110mm underground PVC system. In the UK they would probably make a ground surface drain with perforated cover. Then let the machine's drain pipe flow by gravity into it.
Denmark has a colder climate. Or used to have in the past. So icing in hard frosts is a potentially greater risk. Making ground level drains and covers [probably] an unlikely choice. A continuous run of the indoor machine drainpipe down to a 110mm adapter at ground level [?] makes more sense.
Indoor drainpipe size seems somewhat variable. The vertical standpipe should be a minimum of 40mm diameter. To allow adequate flow and to avoid siphoning or even backups through inadequate flow rates. 50mm is easily doable but needs a larger core drill. To allow the indoor pipe to go out through the wall.
Does the indoor pipe exiting the house need frost or mechanical protection? An elbow outside drops the near horizontal flow downwards. A running trap indoors protects against smells from the sewage system. I could do the complete job in a few hours myself. Using a spade for excavation but it is not allowed. Only qualified and authorized workers may do so. There are also rules about surrounding or bedding underground pipes on gravel or sand. Plate vibrators avoid later sinkage over excavations. Slow bends and branches are increasingly demanded. To avoid slowing the flow or a build up of the nasty stuff.
Which, these days means a mini-excavator to dig down to the 110mm pipes under the lawn. One can easily understand strict adherence to the rules. If only to protect the occupants against disease and sewage smells. It's just a shame that one cannot invite a qualified worker. To come in and inspect a competent DIY job. Unfortunately, I no longer know any "tame" drainage engineers.
12.15 I have been tidying up the undergrowth outside the end of kitchen wall. I have just had a phone call from another local plumbing service. He will come out and see what's involved today. They moved my water heater downstairs for me. While I had the electricians in.
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