Nothing [at all] to do with cycling but what about bussing all the US drug addicts to Mexico? Think of the savings on border patrols and building fictitious border walls and Home Security.
The drop in crime to pay for their disgusting habit and the endless battles to defend drug dealer's sales patches would be worth countless billions in savings on policing and prisons. The savings in health costs, from not having to treat the addicts and support their broken families, would be incalculable.
Think of the CO2 savings by the drug dealers on transport costs and security issues crossing the border? The cartels just need to open shops on every Mexican high street to provide easy access for their customers. Then, perhaps, we could have some more interesting news about something else. Like [say] cycling?
A walk to the lanes under grey skies and in a stiff westerly wind. Two blackbirds fought in mid air as a car bore down on them at 50mph. Ten yards further on it was the turn of the skylarks to be aerial scrapping. What has got into them? The sun came out in the last few yards before home and then disappeared for the next hour. The emphasis was mostly on cloud, rather than sunshine, for much of the day.
Tuesday 19th 32-46F, bright sunshine and sparkling frost. It should be sunny for most of the day on both forecasts. Which makes a change. A walk to the lanes then busy all day. Full sun from morning to evening.
Wednesday 20th 41F, dark grey and misty with a little wind at times. Walked along the marsh to disturb a pair of geese and a pair of cormorants. Four Mallards dashed off across the water followed by two coots. It's absolute mayhem on my walks!
The latest health [?] news is that consuming two sugar bomb "soft" drinks, per day, shortens life expectancy by 30%. I'm still waiting for the class action against the genocidal sugar companies. Round-up is being dragged through the courts on appeal against a conviction for causing cancer.
The Danish politicooze are discussing raising the price of cigarettes by 8 Kroner a pack. That's about 80p in Ol£e Money. The bleeding hearts are claiming it is a direct tax on the poor because only they are daft enough to still smoke. Somebody isn't considering the effect on the young who are vulnerable to societal pressures to begin the filthy habit and ruin their health.
Let's give the kids a nice big <cough> fat discount! Then the politicooze won't lose out on tax income from smokers to pay for another ten x $1Billion US fighter jets. Of course smokers don't last long enough to claim their pensions which they have paid for all their miserable lives. So there are savings to be made there.
I was allowed out for a shopping ride in the afternoon and cheated. I detoured over a hilly route through the forest on the way back. Still only 10 miles in total but every little counts.
Thursday 21st 44-46F, grey, breezy and misty. Two days of this are promised. Heavy shopping in the car.
Friday 22nd 43-46F grey and almost calm. The mist has gone and then came back again. A brown rat ran across from hedge to hedge in front of me as I walked to the lanes.
Saturday 23rd 43-48F, dark grey and misty. Some sunny periods promised by both weather forecasts. There was a bit of weak sunshine on my walk but it has turned uniform grey again. I checked my emails via webmail and discovered a spam box full of official, bank and business mails. Weird. I had to drag each one back into the inbox because there was no other way. No buttons to de-flag mails as not spam. How can the spam bot learn if there is no corrective action? Quite a sunny day but mostly cloudy with few gaps.
Sunday 24th 37F, calm and grey. Some sunny periods promised, again. Stolid grey throughout my 3 mile walk around the block. Hooper swans, geese and a woodpecker put on a show. As well as loads of others birds near and far.
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