
70-86F, breezy, warm and rather cloudy. Expected to reach 30-32C, 90F
later but reached only 86F. I walked the stubble fields looking for new viewpoints.
The alpine pistes are looking rather bereft of snow for the expected winter visitors.
my note on the very rich, open shirted, foreigner's interest in coming
to Denmark to pay the fines of mask wearing bank robbers: Populist
political parties are now considering introducing prison terms instead
of, or in addition to paltry fines. Which might well scupper the
self-important, open shirted, very rich man's plans to toss very small,
pocket change into the Danish political arena.
I'm not
sure even wealthy, open shirted, attention seeking, foreign persons can volunteer to serve
prison sentences for those women who [allegedly] choose to wear strange
face masks in public. Whether open-shirted, or not, I just hope these
masked persons are not cyclists trying to make a getaway. Imagine the limitations on peripheral
vision while trying to look through their personal, "Boris letterbox?"
Mind you, cycling is a distinctly Danish pastime. So those who choose to
wear these masks are probably not trying very hard to integrate with the modern, native Danish, women, [cycling] bank robbers. When in

In more breaking news: Wealthy Danes [and probably a few others] are
buying up all the available properties in Copenhagen and other
university cities to house their student offspring during their studies.
Not only is this causing hyper inflation in property values but the
wealthy buyers enjoy generous tax perks into the bargain. With a guaranteed, inflation proofed investment to boot.
One can but
hope that these supposed students are all keen cyclists. Or they will be causing
another form of mayhem on the already overcrowded streets. We don't want
the place littered with tax-payer funded, abandoned Lambos and Ferraris
in disabled parking spots and on the cycle lanes after every drunken and cocaine fueled, night out. Do we?
It's all such a far cry from the earlier, benign, Scandinavian socialism. Only 20 years ago many government office workers wielded absolute power over their inferiors. I was surprised there weren't mass produced, standard printed signs on public service doorways saying:
Late morning ride to the shops. It feels very warm and oppressive today with a grey overcast. Only 15 miles. A headwind was blowing, going both ways, even though the wind turbines were standing still. I have dashed off a terse letter to the DMI, of course. Though by the time they get it, via PostNord, they will probably be discussing the lack of snow on the Danish pistes this year.
Talking of weather: We had a quarter of an hour cloudburst around 6pm. A very welcome dampening down of the fields and gardens. The Head Gardener has been imitating The Disney
"Fantasia" Sorcerer's Apprentice for weeks now.
9th 64-76F, almost dead calm, bright and sunny. A few clouds bubbled up as I walked a large loop on the stubbled fields. Even the wind turbines on the shores of distant Jylland were quite still. After the first rain in ages the pig's muck spreaders were doing turns on the local fields. I can't tell whether my sense of smell is completely broken. Or they have reduced the industrial strength perfume they usually add to the mix. No ride today.
10th 65-76F, bright with gales after a rough night as a storm worked its way up the west coast of Jylland. [Eng. Jutland.] There was lots of debris on the tracks and roads to kick into the verge. The crab apples and spiky, wild plums had unleashed their burden of fruit. It is no wonder there are so many in the hedges! No ride today.

11th 58F, overcast and windy. A day of gales and thundery showers is forecast. I was hoping for my usual Saturday ride along the new cycle paths and lanes. First I walked across the stubbled fields for a look at the marsh pond from above. Only a couple of dozen timid Mallards were visible and soon retreated to the cover of the tangled willows on the far side. A large heron circled slowly while it waited for me to move on.
A slightly scruffy, Red kite was looking for breakfast while soaring on the stiff breeze with equally stiff wings. The day continued with gales and cloudbursts. Not an ideal one for trike riding.
12th 60F, rather cloudy with a south westerly wind. A heavy bank of dark cloud was passing south east of us. So I took to the stubble fields to try and capture it as it dumped a load of rain. Then I walked on to climb a local hill to take some more pictures. My wife took a picture of me, from home, while I was standing on top. Which completely destroyed any sense of scale. I literally looked like a giant! Distant Jylland was clearly visible from up there. With tiny white yachts sitting on the intervening, dark water. The forecast is for continuous rain this afternoon. I had better get a ride in this morning or not at all.
Late morning ride under a gently dripping sky. The roads were wet and dry at intervals. I was overtaken by a young chap and chased him for a couple of miles. It was mostly uphill and I was carrying at least 20 more kilos of baggage and trike than he was. Only 21 miles.
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