Monday 29th 55F, 13C, overcast, patchy, distant mist and breezy. Hopefully the heatwave is over.
That is a greater number than those injured by the ugly, retarded fuckwit[s] who pointlessly blew up children at a teenage pop concert in Manchester. Why are terrorists so utterly terrified of little girls? Is it a desire for revenge because of some perceived sleight over their own ugliness, by their [culturally inferior] sister? Perhaps I should have put that in words of no more than two syllables? Whatever.
Who are the real terrorists? Raving lunatics hoping for immortality? Or raving lunatics hoping for anonymity? The fine in the UK for mobile phone use, behind the wheel, is a measly £200. A mere fraction of the cost of many mobile phones. It seems the politicooze wouldn't want to lose votes at the election by making weapons-grade, mobile phone ownership an expensive crime.
How much does the UK spend, per year, watching ugly, retarded fuckwits planning the serial murder of little girls? How does that compare with their expenditure on catching mobile phone users behind the wheel? Do they flood the streets with high visibility, armed policemen every time a deranged phone user kills? Just asking.
http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40079382 [Killers]
The traffic was remarkably light on my walk. There was a prickling dampness on the air but no visible sign of precipitation. Skylarks rose and fell like their delightful songs. They could teach the repetitive chaffinches a thing or two. Gaudy goldfinches moved about in small groups collecting nesting material. Nature is at its softest and fluffiest at the moment. Even the Japanese Knotweed looks half decent at this time of year. If, that is, you can ignore the tangle of bare, brown stalks from last year.
Copenhagen is getting special cycle signs to warn cycle path users of traffic congestion, alternative routes and other important information. Mid afternoon ride to the shops returning heavily laden. It never did brighten up as promised and only just scraped over a nicely comfortable 60F, 15C. 8 miles.
Tuesday 30th 60s, mild. Walk along the lanes just enjoying the spring. Late afternoon ride in gusty wind for 7 miles. The oil seed rape flowers are almost gone as the landscape is softened by the rapidly growing crops.
Wednesday 31st 56F, 13C, a mixed day of cloud, sun and gales forecast. 17m/s is over 35mph. As I left the shelter of the drive I was able to lean on the wind as I crossed the road. The traffic was heavier than the last few days as a builder's van completely failed to change course. I could not see the driver behind the windshield so cannot confirm a mobile phone handicap.
A fine crop of Dandelions offer a picturesque contrast to shaggy green. This large lawn was much appreciated by the birds a month or two back. With regular clocks of Fieldfares, Redwings and blackbirds. Now a few Starlings potter about before returning to their high rise, nesting boxes nearby.
In the absence of the aggressive Coot a solitary Mallard was tootling gently around the church pond. I remember the Coot pushing a group of unhappy Mallards off the pond into the far reeds some months back. More mallards were dozing on a lawn by a large garden pond. A dog barked at my presence and one duck's eye opened briefly and closed again. It was peaceful in the enclosed village but the huge trees guarding the church were rocking in the stiff wind. As shiny waves raced across the open fields. No ride today as I used the car to fetch supplies for The Head Gardener. Even a trike has its limits when it comes to ferrying grow-bags!
Copenhagen is getting special cycle signs to warn cycle path users of traffic congestion, alternative routes and other important information. Mid afternoon ride to the shops returning heavily laden. It never did brighten up as promised and only just scraped over a nicely comfortable 60F, 15C. 8 miles.
Tuesday 30th 60s, mild. Walk along the lanes just enjoying the spring. Late afternoon ride in gusty wind for 7 miles. The oil seed rape flowers are almost gone as the landscape is softened by the rapidly growing crops.
Wednesday 31st 56F, 13C, a mixed day of cloud, sun and gales forecast. 17m/s is over 35mph. As I left the shelter of the drive I was able to lean on the wind as I crossed the road. The traffic was heavier than the last few days as a builder's van completely failed to change course. I could not see the driver behind the windshield so cannot confirm a mobile phone handicap.
In the absence of the aggressive Coot a solitary Mallard was tootling gently around the church pond. I remember the Coot pushing a group of unhappy Mallards off the pond into the far reeds some months back. More mallards were dozing on a lawn by a large garden pond. A dog barked at my presence and one duck's eye opened briefly and closed again. It was peaceful in the enclosed village but the huge trees guarding the church were rocking in the stiff wind. As shiny waves raced across the open fields. No ride today as I used the car to fetch supplies for The Head Gardener. Even a trike has its limits when it comes to ferrying grow-bags!
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