Friday 18th 42F, 6C, rain, windy and overcast. It might brighten later. Walked around the rural block going clockwise. Three miles in just under an hour dodging 7-axle lorries on what passes for the main road around here. Not much to report other than a cat going for a walk with the family dog and enjoying every moment. Heavy grey skies and quite a stiff wind but still dry until after I returned.
We bought a flat, multiple LED 'ceiling' light for the rear hall and must now wear welding goggles and SPF50 on our way to the bathroom. Meanwhile, I bought a single LED "bulb" for a table lamp and we now need night vision goggles in there. Exactly the same 'problems' as with the compact florescent 'bulbs' of less recent yore. It's all swings and roundabouts where modern lighting is concerned. It's difficult for we old fogies to keep up with it all. Sunshine at 12.30 against a black sky? It will never last. It didn't.
Saturday 19th 36F, 2C, breezy but clear skies. Hail had lashed against the windows in the night. The sun has yet to show itself [at 8am] so the promised sunshine is still on hold. The DMI weather chart for today shows the complete opposite to the wording! So that's all right then. The wind direction is completely unstable with my wind vanes are rotating fully 180 degrees back and forth.
It slowly became more overcast with racing low cloud on my walk up to the woods. Lots of puddles and even a rushing stream on the track. The mud was incredibly sticky this morning. Several hundred fidgety gulls floated across the fields, briefly alighted and then soon took off again. A solitary Yellowhammer moved away along the edge of the track as I steadily progressed. Why do birds and animals not learn to escape at right angles to the direction of the approaching threat?
Late morning ride to the shops as is my habit on Saturdays. Headwind going and tailwind back home. It stayed dry until the last mile when it started spitting. 15 miles.
Sunday 20th 38-40F, 4-5C, breezy and overcast. A dry start followed by rain. The first storm of the year is being sent over by the UK. Gusts to 40mph are forecast for this afternoon and overnight lasting up to 12 hours. I enjoyed my familiar woods walk in bright sunshine but in the opposite direction to usual. Normally I am impatient to get away from the traffic but Sunday offers some respite from the articulated lorries. Making it worth the longer road stretch before taking my grateful exit, sharp left up the muddy field track. Jackdaws and gulls wandered the fields aimlessly. While a solitary goose grumbled to itself as it flew under the gibbous moon. Straight into a stiff southeasterly but which held no real chill at the relatively comfortable 40F, 4.5C. It would have been very different without the sunshine. It started raining at 1.30pm and was immediately raining hard. The trees are already rocking back and forth to a gusty wind. Let us hope it doesn't get any worse. Definitely a rest day.
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