Tuesday 10th 64-72F, 18-22C, bright sunshine but rather windy. I went for a walk to the sight and sound of countless birds. One pair of Coots has a growing family of chicks already while another pair are still exploring a second pond nearby.
Blogger was badly broken this morning. Unavailable, then visible but no log on possible. Nearly 10.30am CET before it was back to normal. No pressure to go out. Rest day.
Wednesday 11th 60-70F, 16-21C, continuing bright and windy but with more cloud today. Though that was short lived. Gusting to 30mph later so I had better go out before lunch.
Another warm walk along my usual route up through the woods. An angular Red kite went over, soaring with the wind. A dead mouse on the track showed signs of a cat mauling. While a dead Grass snake had probably met a much larger foe. It look unharmed, though inverted, in the grass verge. It is the turn of the warblers to sing in all their variety. Many more swallows have arrived to swoop effortlessly and erratically over the fields. I shall be going out on the trike after coffee. Only a couple of more days of warmth left before the temperature plummets to 12C on Saturday!
It was even warmer when I set off via the forest. There seemed to be headwind whichever way I rode today. The difference was in my speed. Coming home I was seeing 20-24mph and climbing effortlessly despite being well loaded. Only 10 miles.
Thursday 12th 64F, 18C, bright sunshine and rather breezy. More of the same is forecast. A pleasant, hour and a half, relaxed walk around the village "block" in shorts to stay cool. Lots of birdsong.
Left before lunch to head north and hoping to avoid a headwind. It was gusty and difficult to identify wind direction. Slightly easier coming back by the same route. My toes were hurting when I climbed out of the saddle and proved to need my nails trimming. A foolish oversight! I survived on a cheese sandwich, a banana and two small cartons of pure apple juice to keep me going. I had run out of chocolate muesli bars so went without. 41 miles.
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