Wednesday 11th 36F, 2C, light winds, clear sky, full sun. It
is supposed to stay clear and bright all day with the wind picking up to
"modest" 20mph gusts on a 10mph base. I followed a new track today
which offered new viewpoints from the tops of some [low] hills. Two
hours and one hundred and thirty nine images later I arrived home again
having seen four deer. The bright, early sunshine often inspires me to
take lots of photographs. 
My new 43/33 double chainset arrived from Spa while I was out. So I spent a couple of hours taking everything 10 speed to pieces and then rebuilt it with 11 speeds after a bit of cleaning. Luckily I had a 103mm square taper axle amongst my
Practice obviously helps. It seemed to take no time to remove the saddlebag and rack. Remove wheels, release the outer circlips and withdraw the rear axles. Drop the 2WD Trykit freehub with filthy 10 speed cassette. Remove, dismantle and clean the Ultegra rear changer. Break the filthy 10 speed chain and remove. Remove the Campag triple front changer. A chain wrench aided dismantling of the 10 speed cassette with the toothed extractor tool unscrewing the the lock ring. I used to work with the axis vertical but now have the cassette upright and resting lightly between the jaws of the B&D workbench for stability. The braze-on clamp for the front changer needed to be lowered considerably for the Athena front changer cage to just clear the teeth of the 43 tooth chainwheel. The axle journal bearings and 2WD free-hub were re-packed with clean grease. I had previously removed the inner facing seals of the axle bearings to reduce seal drag. It was comforting to check and find the grease in good, clean condition.

Thursday 12th 31-46F, 0-8C, quite still, bright sunshine with misty, pink clouds clearing. Light overnight frost with the car sparkling and the fields slightly white. That won't last with the chance of 50F/10C again in the forecast. There was still a lot of hard white frost where the sun couldn't reach. Particularly in the woods. I could hear the beech leaves crunching underfoot and there was thin ice on the puddles.

It stayed sunny but cooler than yesterday for my ride. Slightly too cool for fingerless mitts but I took my thin scull cap off at halfway. I found myself in bottom gear a few times but this was on quite steep hills. These were probably at least 1-in-8. It feels as if I am missing the real bottom gear but it did not prove a problem in practice. I just kept pedalling. Top gear felt out of reach even on a 28mph descent.
Gear changing is now absolutely secure and almost effortless compared with the triple. Never a hint of chain overthrow or failing to shift between chainrings. I have a wide but close range of gears on both chainrings. While chain scrape on the cage is almost non-existent even at extreme chain angles. No doubt my gear choice habits will change once I have had a bit of experience with the new set-up. One quickly develops a feel for which gear and chainring should be in use at any time.
I spent some more time cleaning with Scotchbrite abrasive fibre to celebrate the spring clean. It is always a surprise how pale the silver brazing becomes with a rub after I have let it get a bit grubby. I hesitate to think how scruffy a nicely painted frame would have become in my hands! Reynolds stainless steel was an excellent choice for me. Though the R931 is much more forgiving of cleaning neglect than the R953. The R953 is thinner, stronger and lighter but has a distinctive "grain" and stains or rusts over time. Those who spend hours cleaning their machines must be shocked that I would allow a single day to pass without cosmetic titivation of my mount. While I can think of many more interesting things to do than crouching on a wet and muddy [or frozen] surface cleaning a trike! 30 miles.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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