Being elected, on the promise of major changes in Denmark's climate policies, is beginning to wear thin. After months of zero change the coalition parties are getting restless. Instead of Denmark making global headlines. Leading the world with bold new ideas to reduce CO2, the "climate" minister remains silent and invisible. Well, at least they cleared the hurdle of increasing their own, lifelong pensions. So that's alright then.
Meanwhile, the UK is banning coal and wet wood for private woodburning stoves. Denmark can't even manage that! It is burning tropical hardwoods in [Amager] brought from half way around the world to feed its <cough> "climate friendly" <cough> power stations.
That'll be the wood felled illegally, by bulldozer, from the Amazon. To make more [very short-term] farmland to supply the Danish pig farmer's desperate need for dirt cheap feed for its factory farming. Heads, Denmark wins. Tails, Denmark wins. Rest of the World 0.
Danish link to TV2 story on illegal clearing of the Amazon Rain Forest to feed Danish power stations with tropical hardwood chips. Use Google Translate to read the text. Or just watch the videos and look at the pictures.
Her house was bulldozed, so Copenhageners can [district] heat with tropical hardwoods - TV2
Hendes hus blev bulldozet, så københavnerne kan fyre op med tropisk træ - TV 2
Tuesday 25th 40F, heavy sky and gales with fierce gusts. We ere promised sunny periods by both competitors. Yeah, right! There was rain in the air as I toddled briskly to the lanes at the mercy of the wind. I was leaning forwards on the way and cough> backwards on the er, way back to avoid going arse over tit. There is talk of 26m/s gusts this afternoon. Which converts to 57mph in Ye Olde Money. Arrived home just in time to miss a downpour. The field puddles are now well above their highest point and pushing debris uphill on the downwind side.
Danish link to TV2 story on illegal clearing of the Amazon Rain Forest to feed Danish power stations with tropical hardwood chips. Use Google Translate to read the text. Or just watch the videos and look at the pictures.
Her house was bulldozed, so Copenhageners can [district] heat with tropical hardwoods - TV2
Hendes hus blev bulldozet, så københavnerne kan fyre op med tropisk træ - TV 2
Tuesday 25th 40F, heavy sky and gales with fierce gusts. We ere promised sunny periods by both competitors. Yeah, right! There was rain in the air as I toddled briskly to the lanes at the mercy of the wind. I was leaning forwards on the way and cough> backwards on the er, way back to avoid going arse over tit. There is talk of 26m/s gusts this afternoon. Which converts to 57mph in Ye Olde Money. Arrived home just in time to miss a downpour. The field puddles are now well above their highest point and pushing debris uphill on the downwind side.
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