Tuesday 18th 58-74F, sunny with a light breeze. It could be unusually warm today. It reached a sunny but windy 74F mid-afternoon. Too busy for a ride.
Wednesday 19th 61-70F, breezy and overcast. Watched muscular tractors preparing and sewing the local prairies. The fields had lots of wagtails chasing each other about. Or just looking for breakfast. The sun tried to break through but gave up the struggle. A warm and pleasant afternoon but no ride.
Thursday 20th 61F heavy overcast with showers. A long, wet and busy day without a ride.
Saturday 22nd 51-60?F, changeable, showers, sunshine and rather windy. It stayed dry for my walk but there were heavy showers all morning. Later in the afternoon it turned pleasantly sunny. Too busy for a ride.
Sunday 23rd 46F, light winds, cloudy with bright spots. Enjoyed a loop up to the top of the local hill and back down by the edges of the fields. An excellent view all around was interrupted, at intervals, by nine different deer dashing off from the cover of the few remaining hedges. They obviously haven't adapted to the modern, industrialized prairies, when there is absolutely no crop cover. Or they would stay put and safe from the hunters. While I was watching the one in the image, through my binoculars, three more bounded off across the field. I saw two male Kestrels too.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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