Monday 3rd 31F/-1C[9.00] Overcast but with a threat of some sunshine later.
Up at 7.15 after a weird night. I woke to use the fire bucket at 3am. Then suddenly remembered I hadn't attended to the recycling bins. So, at 3.15am our hero was trundling the 100m along the muddied, gravel drive in the pitch dark. To park the two bins where they are picked up to be emptied into the oversized, dustbin lorry. It was so dark I overshot the end of my drive and nearly ended up in the field beyond. After going back to bed I couldn't sleep for an hour and half. I was going to get up at 6 and 7am but fell asleep again.
9.30 61F/16C in the room. Lit the stove. Not sure I have any concrete plans for today. I could be tidying up outside. Perhaps strimming back my wife's badly overgrown flower bed. Or I could be dismantling the observatory. It is cold, damp and grey out there. So not remotely inviting.
I could start washing up more of my wife's ornaments. To put in the matching pair of vintage, kitchen display cabinets. Which I have recently acquired inexpensively from charity shops. Sadly, the wall behind them needs to be totally refurbished. For want of a better term. For hiding the present hideousness of bare and damaged plasterboard. Once hidden by vertical, recycled, profiled boarding. Which I put up myself two decades ago. Only for it to become riddled with woodworm. I would need to apply a whole new layer of plasterboard. Then make good the joints with plaster or filler and paint.
Or, I could tidy the balcony storage room. Removing the bulky subwoofer boxes and cardboard box storage has provided lots more room. Which would allow it be much better used than currently abused. I could even put some steel shelving out there. To greatly[?] increase the storage volume. Rather than mixed stuff just lying about on the floor. The 45ยบ, down to the floor ceilings, rather inhibit maximum utilization of the available space.
It could become an attractive space to sit when temperatures allow. Perhaps to admire the brambles presently invading the horribly untidy garden below. However, the balcony room freezes in winter and bakes in summer. The large, recycled windows are badly misted between the panes. Their frames slowly rotting.
Having gained twenty years. Since I struggled to lift them up a ladder while working alone. I am in no position to buy new and replace them myself. They keep the weather out. One can ask no more of them. Not after them having been removed from blocks of council flats so very long ago. Having already given their half lives to creature comfort.
10.00 It has soared to 64F/17.8C in the room and I have done nothing but waffle. Thank goodness for morning coffee. That will kill another 20 minutes of irretrievable time.
11.30 I decided to stay indoors and remove the old washing machine. A nice, simple job requiring no brain power. I immediately discovered the tiled floor beneath was black. While everything was covered in soft focus, spider's webs. First I vacuumed. Then I scrubbed the floor with soap. Then with scouring fluid. Still without total success. I presume it is a chemical stain.
So I have now tried black mould remover and will leave it to soak. The before picture looks far worse than it is. Because I spilled some water while moving the machine. A lot of the mess was dark fluff from the laundry work over the years. Vacuuming and then a wipe with a cloth was enough to remove most of the dark stuff.
The manifold on the left is for underfloor heating which was never used. Due to a lack of a suitable heater. The wood stove's internal boiler wasn't up to the job. It ran with wood tar whenever I switched on the circulation pump.
An awful lot of work and expense for nothing. So the bathroom and kitchen went unheated for probably 25 years. I used a fan heater but my wife refused to use it. On the grounds of noise. Over 20 years later there is still no low temperature, heating technology available under £10,000 equivalent installed.
11.45 It is looking much cleaner but the blackened tiles are still not responding. I have moved onto bleach and a fresh scouring pad. The idea is to have a small cupboard in this corner. Just to hold spare toilet rolls. Presently kept in the airing cupboard and always too far away when [usually] forgotten!
Though the protruding plumbing would be a hindrance. Unless it could be hidden within the cupboard. I can rotate the thermostat to flatten it against the wall. That would help a little. That side and the back of the cupboard would still need to be inset. Or there would be large gaps against the walls. An open invitation to the spiders.
I could invest in loads of end closure fittings. To get rid of the ugly manifolds altogether. Available in chrome or stainless steel as well the familiar brass. The Pex pipes could be cut much lower and terminated much more neatly. Though that risks losing the water supply to the sink and toilet. One manifold is for warm water and the other for cold. Far too many years have passed. For me remember why I felt the need for nine pipes in the bathroom.
I need a cap for the compression "T" too. To close off the old washing
machine's water supply. Is that a valid excuse to go for a ride this
afternoon? I have run out of Kleenex for my runny nose. Though the 3-layer, "supersoft" bog paper is quite a suitable substitute. I had better start looking for a suitable cupboard in the charity shops too.
15.30 31F/-1C and remaining overcast all day. Back from a 24km ride. To buy a cap for the water pipe and some more industrial gloves. Bitterly cold at times. Worse when riding into the light breeze at 30+ kph. My face felt particularly cold. My gloved fingertips were feeling cold almost from the start but grew no worse. Tolerable was probably the right word. Rather than comfortable.
Dinner was an organic pork chop, mushrooms and chips. I used the oven fan again at a lower temperature. To try and make the chips softer. Not much change. The instructions on the chops called for 2½ minutes each side at modest heat in the pan. I gave it five minutes each side and it browned nicely but it still seems inadequate. The chop was 18mm or 3/4" of an inch thick!