Wednesday 26th 39F/4C. A bright start to a promising, sunny day. It could reach 13C/55F after lunch. A modest NW wind.
Up at 5.50 after a very quiet night. I am going to visit my English friend before attending physio. Which meant shifting my usual visiting times to earlier than usual. To leave me time to drive home, change, have lunch and go onto my physio class. Which is 20-30 minute away from home by car. Depending on local road closures for district heating expansion.
6.45 The sun is already above the horizon and flooding the garden with golden light. Small birds are flitting about. The air is full of skylarks singing overhead.
8.00 42F/4.6C. I put some laundry into the machine. Had a shower. Just another day at the office. The brightness, tidiness and cleanliness has spurred me into doing chores. Which I usually put off or ignore. This must be the earliest I ever did the washing up. I am trying to do it every day but lapsed last night.
I made my lunch rolls and put them in the fridge. Which will save time later. I sorted my eight, daily tablets into the dispenser. Found the clothes I'll need for physio. The regulars wear tight, gym orientated clothing but I prefer a loose T-shirt and fleece shorts. Which help me stay cool while exercising indoors. Where it is warmer than I'd usually have it at home.
8.15 Almost time to leave. The Morris started well. I checked the oil and radiator.
12.00 Safely back from my visit. The sunshine made it pleasant to be outside.
12.45 About to leave for my physio class.
15.30 55F/13C. Returned from physio class and shopping.
17.30 My nice neighbours came over with some of their free range eggs. They came in and we had a nice chat. In English. They are both fluent. Which is nice for me. Being able to chat effortlessly. I was able to show off my new kitchen. In fact it was perfect timing. Because I had already tidied and cleaned thoroughly. For my other visitor on Monday.