25 Aug 2024

25.08.2024 The sick woodpecker.


  Sunday 25th 58F/14C. Bright, but unsettled forecast. Possible showers.

 Up at 6.15 after a disturbed night. I must have visited the fire bucket a dozen times. Yet had nothing to drink after 5pm.

 8.40 Sunshine. Going for a walk. 

 9.15 Back from my walk in bright sunshine. Feeling a bit tired. A surprising amount of traffic for a Sunday morning. The gales had blown leaves and a few twigs out of the hedgerows. Clouds of sparrows burst out of the neighbour's hedge in huge numbers.

 10.30 I have been picking up and dumping a heap of grass cuttings in the trees. They were left behind when the big trailer was taken to the scrap yard. I managed to make myself breathless. Which is supposed to be a good thing. Everything is sopping wet after the rain. It rained again. Forcing me into shelter.

 12.00 I have rescued a woodpecker. About the size of a  blackbird. It was in the long grass under the glazed gable end. Shaking its head involuntarily. Presumed injured or concussed from impact with the glass above. No blood and its wings and legs are still working normally. It gripped my fingers and wouldn't let go!

 I have placed it in a small open box to see if it recovers. It now appears to have gone to sleep. I must keep it way from the cats. Which wander through the garden.

 13.25 66F/19C. It started raining again. So I came in from hedge clipping. Tired, hot and sweaty. The new trailer is very easy to move and steer. It is well filled with clippings now. I had better have some lunch.

 14.00 The woodpecker is still asleep. Its head now turned towards its back. At least it isn't dead. Thank goodness the repetitive head movements have stopped.

 15.30 More hedge clipping. Along the drive and both sides of the beech hedge at the front. The bird keeps moving around in the box but is still trying to sleep. It may have a headache. I am hoping the box will provide the shelter and confidence it needs to relax and recover. Without fear of discovery.

 16.30 I am delighted to report that the woodpecker has left the box. I checked carefully all around but saw no sign of it on the ground. Leaving it to recover in its own time was apparently successful. I suppose I had better find some of those stickers of birds of prey. To fix to the big windows as a deterrent against bird strikes. 

 5.45. The bird is back on the lawn and unable to fly. The head shaking and twisting is a symptom of bird flu! Total lack of coordination another. Humans can catch it and I have repeatedly had the birds in my hands. I have washed my hands thoroughly but that may not be enough. It's a bit late anyway from earlier handling. 

 It has only now occurred to me that the bird might be sick rather than injured. I found some spirit hand spray from the Covid pandemic and gave my hands a good soak. I have broken skin! It seems there is a low risk to humans. Most cases are the result of inhalation from within enclosed spaces with sick birds. Or poor hygiene by poultry keepers.

The bird had gone again later. No sign of it this time.

 Dinner was fried chicken, mushrooms and eggs. Helped down with a bread roll.



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