13 Aug 2024

13.08.2024 Don't hold your breath!


  Tuesday 13th 58F/14C [7.20] Bright, 25C warm with lots of sunshine. Possible thundery showers this evening.

 Up at 6.45 after a reasonable night. Aching all over after yesterday's rehabilitation pantomime! 

 I'll probably ride over to my friend's place. Just for a bit of exercise. 

 9.00 Or not! I have just been for my morning walk and was soon very breathless. I didn't feel very well either. I don't think it would sensible to ride anywhere today. I had better try to talk to somebody in the hospital heart department. Oh, dear. They can't answer because there are too many people in the queue. Try again later.

 I have had a chat with my own doctor on the acute line and will see them in an hour. My blood pressure is 130/75. Pulse around 50bpm. No obvious problems there. I don't feel too bad at all until I get up and start walking. The breathlessness catches me off guard every time.

 They gave me a cardiogram at the surgery and blood tests. Apart from all the normal stuff I have a [triple] false heart beat. Not dangerous but distressing because of the breathlessness. It is a wasted beat. No pumping = reduced oxygen and a missed "proper" heart beat. 

The doctor sent my cardiogram over and talked with the hospital cardiologist just to be sure. It seems I shall survive another day. One of my tablets, a blood thinner, will be doubled in dose. I am to report any chest pains.

 I have already had an offer of an appointment for ultrasound scanning my heart in 5 weeks time. If I was in any danger it would have been sooner. So they are playing safe but don't think I am going to fall over any time soon. At least that is how I am reading it. 

 Dinner was a fry up. Chicken mushrooms and tweggs. Cooked in sunflower oil. I am still not sure whether this is the safest option. Some YT "heart surgeons" disagree.




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