17 Aug 2024

17.08.2024 30km not out.


  Saturday 17th 51F/11C [7.15] Bright but cloudy. Expected to slowly clear to sunshine but only reaching 19C/66F.

 Up at 6am after a fitful night. I managed to half fill the fire bucket! I was sweating profusely for a while. Then had a dizzy spell when I got up too quickly. It is 70F/21C in the room but feels too cool for a t-shirt.

 I'll try a walk to see how I am feeling today. I need to go shopping and would like to go for a ride if I am up to it.

 8.15 Back from a sweaty walk to the lanes. The traffic was almost nonexistent. I was a bit tired and breathless but plodded on. A doe and her two young dear watched me intently from the far side of a field. They had gone when I returned home. The roadside trees have exploded into growth. Mostly hazel with a few elms and elders, poplars and willows. The rather sad little house in the lane is being gutted internally and the gardens cleared. Good to see something positive happening. My nearest neighbour's building work has been on hold for ages now. No sign of vehicles coming or going. Or any other change. 

 11.30 64F/18C.  Mostly overcast. Returned from a tootle into the village in Tour Mode. I am deliberately forcing myself to work harder on the e-bike. I was averaging a fairly effortless 20-22kph. Only 10km.

 15.30 Another 20km shopping in the next village north. Again I used Tour Mode to give myself a bit of resistance to work against. Averaging 20-25kph. 

 There was no other choice but to wash up. I had run out of every bit of crockery and cutlery. Resulting in time wasting, individual rinsing. Just to be able to have a cup of coffee.

 Dinner was chicken and mushrooms fried in a smidgen of butter. Baked beans with extra pepper and a bread roll.



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