15 Aug 2024

15.08.2024 Retraining.


  Thursday 15th 63F/17C [6.30] Grey start but a sunny day is promised.

 Up at 5.30 after a fairly quiet night.

 My second rehabilitation class in town today. I am not taking any chances by going for a walk. I want to hear what the physios have to say about exercising while breathless. It is their speciality. I shall go in the Morris. I'll need another dose of Google Translate to have a useful vocabulary. There are always new areas. Where I have no previous experience of discussion in Danish. 

 10.20 Back home again. I was far too early reaching town so did the shopping.

 Before I started I warned the physiotherapist that I had been breathless for several days. Then I started slowly on the exercise bike. Where I managed 6km spinning and sprinting intervals. Hitting 130rpm several times against resistance. Then it was onto the bench press, curl machine up and down and pulling down against weights. 3x15 repetitions on each machine. With a warning to start slowly and not push myself too hard. I now have to record everything I do on my time sheet. 

 The physiotherapist was constantly attentive to how I was doing. In case I felt dizzy or uncomfortably breathless. Thankfully it went better and better. I was hot from exercising indoors but otherwise fine. A bit sweaty when I went out to the car but not breathless.

 11.00 I still have to go into the village for the cool and frozen shopping. I'll be sensible and go in the car.

 11.45 71F/22C. Quiet in the village. The sun has finally arrived.

 15.15 Returning from another shopping village in the Morris. Warm and bright sunshine.

 Dinner was chicken and mushroom curry.



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