21 Aug 2024

21.08.2024 Avoiding a flood.


Beware of those who would lead you by the nose. By dictating whom or what you must hate. For they have nothing positive to offer. Which might otherwise enrich your existence immeasurably. Freedom of choice and expression are the most valuable and yet still the rarest of commodities. Traded by those who empower only themselves, at your crippling expense.  


  Wednesday 21st 60F/16C. Overcast with rain and wind.

 Up at 5.30 after a quiet night. I already miss the old car. Not for itself but its associations. Another bottomless chasm in the seemingly endless road of life. Another burnt bridge, left behind in my forlorn, broken path.

 I have ordered a small trailer for the Morris Minor. Brenderup's smallest model, the 1150S. Anything larger or heavier is beyond the Morris' legal limits. It comes with manual tip function for easy [?] unloading. High net sides for restraining garden waste and a high tarpaulin to keep things dry. With a folding tow-bar for compactness in storage. 

 I could start dumping garden waste beyond the parking space. Quite sensibly in fact. Now that area is directly accessible. Still, not having a handy trailer seems far too limiting. Getting rid of recycling materials becomes far too difficult. The Morris has a tiny boot. 

 Anything which limits my ability to unload "stuff" on a whim. Is a serious hurdle against increased tidiness! Too many things have come to a standstill due to my recent health problems. It shows in the scattered remains of a wasted summer.

 7.45 I am going for a walk. I may be some time.

 8.15 Back from a short but brisk walk. I tootled down the neighbours' shared drive and back. It was good to get away from the tire roar on wet roads. While safely avoiding the wet, straggling verge and self-driving idiots. 

 A quick run up the road to the next shopping village in the Morris. I needed some hose fittings for water changes in the aquarium. It poured down on my return. I was forced to sit in the car. Listening to the rain drumming on the roof. This was followed by periods of dark skies and sunshine. It is quite breezy at times. 

 12.15. One quarter water change accomplished. My first using a pump and a learning exercise. I shall use a bigger container in the bath next time. This is the reservoir of clean tapwater. From which I pump water back to the aquarium. I needed four refills of the smaller tub. Each of which had to be closely matched to the 70F/21C of the aquarium. Then treated with a conditioning fluid. No soap or cleaning residues must find their way into the tank.

 I am enjoying having the company of the fish. They don't seem to mind how rude I am to them. Provided I keep feeding them of course.

 Dinner was sardines on toast. The irony has not escaped me.



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