19 Aug 2024

19.08.2024 Sweaty, robotic mower.


  Monday 19th 54F/12C [7.15] Bright overcast.

 Up at 6am after a reasonable night. No obvious ill-effects from yesterday's little outing.

 A roadside garden with mature orchard, trees and shrubs.

 Fitness retraining in town at 9am. I had better go in the car.

 8.00 I have showered and hung out some laundry. The sun has broken through. 

11.00 Bright sunshine.  The first half of the class was exercise cycling. Doing intervals between spinning freely. Fortunately I wasn't in too bad a shape after yesterday. I hit 140rpm a couple of times during sprints at the tops of imaginary hills. Where the resistance was set up for a minute before the sprint. Then it was onto exercises. To improve our flexibility and balance. Both of which are sorely lacking in my case. Shockingly so! I did some window shopping on the way home.

  15.30 The batteries went flat so I am back indoors from mowing. I am hot, sweaty and a bit dizzy. My legs are plastered in grass. From leaving the mower's back door open without the grass collector. I managed the entire area today. Including the lawn, the parking area and the drive. 

 The latter needs at least five cuts. Three for the center and one each for the edges. I gave it seven. By cutting both sides twice. I would have bought a self-driven mower but heard negative comments on YouTube reviews. It would be far too complicated to have a robot mower. 

 18.30 I have had another mow at a lower height setting. To pick up the grass and tidy things up. The batteries are flat again. Now noisily on charge. I have brought in the towels from the rotary airer. Replanted in its third position and counting.

 Time to think about dinner. Extra mature Cheddar cheese on toast with cherry tomatoes I think. Tasty! 😋


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