9 Jul 2024

9.07.2024 On yer bike!


  Tuesday 9th 54F/12C. Bright overcast. Up at 6.00. Getting ready for my hospital visit. To be stress tested on an exercise bike.

 10.30 Returned from my bike ride at the city hospital. There were four, heart related physiotherapists present. Two were from another hospital and observing. The cycling tests were interesting but made me hot and breathless. Which was exactly the point. I was given the all clear for further cycling with a decent score. To be expected for somebody who cycles regularly.  There were sprinkles of rain on the Morris windscreen on the way home. I did some light shopping to save going out again.

 I didn't mention it after yesterday's ride but the DDK padded, vinyl saddle is interesting. Not immediately comfortable until I found the sweet spot. I think I had been sitting too far back. The saddle is also thicker. So the maximum height needs to be reduced at the seat clamp. 

 The saddle's voluminous shape tends towards obstructing the thighs on the downward stroke. Made worse by a rearward seating position. Ideally the shape needs to be reduced at this point. Still, after some shuffling about it was far more comfortable than the Brooks B67 ever was. 

 I keep trying to analyze why the Brooks isn't  comfortable. It cost more than enough to have repeatedly made the effort. I tried everything I knew. Height adjustment, upwards tilted nose, tension, lacing, breaking in over an extended period and Proofide treatment. Nothing really worked for me. It remained hard and unforgiving however I tried to adapt it to my needs. I still preferred the Leather, Con-Tec "Exclusive" Touring. 

 Had the frame not broken I would never have got involved in the expensive B67. The smooth leather Con-Tec also looked far better than the B67 on my Moustache e-bike. The Con-Tc looked like an old fashioned motorcycle saddle. The Brooks always looked like a bicycle saddle. So I might still borrow the under-frame from the Brooks and try the Con-Tec again. The Brooks under-frame is shorter than the Con-Tec but should still work as intended. Meanwhile, the DDK isn't doing any harm. More fine adjustment might help the cause. I'll start by lowering it a fraction.

 16.00 I took the mower for a walk at its highest setting without grass collection. Starting with the drive because it looks so awful and is  the most visible to visitors. What visitors? Then the parking space. Because it makes my feet wet just reaching the car. Finally I started on the west lawn. At which point the Makita batteries died. They showed two bars on each but the motor had had enough exercise. Put both batteries on charge. I'll move the Morris to mow the area under it. Then back to the lawn. Meanwhile I shall have a blast around the edges with the DeWalt strimmer. I needed a rest first. As I am breathless.

 16.40 70F/21C. Two 5A DeWalt batteries are flat from strimming along the edges of the drive. I am sweating from working in the hot sun and still air. The horse flies are out and one got me on the arm. I am pleased with my new found stamina. Hardly breathless from quite heavy work. A pause for afternoon tea methinks.

 18.30 I have been at it for hours! Strimming and mowing. The sun has gone in. Which helps. I am propping the mower discharge door open with a length of timber. That allow the motor to spin freely and throw the cut grass clear. All over my legs! It would need constant emptying of the collection bag/box if I left that on the mower. 

 The batteries are flat again. So they are on charge. As are both DeWalt batteries I have used on the strimmer. I can't complain. Recharging gives me a break. I have also been pulling more Rosebay Willowherbs. They come free of the ground quite well without my straining myself. 

 Time to think about dinner. Chicken, mushrooms and chips tonight. Eating unhealthy food, like oven chips, is okay. As long as it isn't too often. 

 It was then I discovered that the chicken was frozen and I had used up the mushrooms. So it was chips and fish fingers. No pictures.

 Then I had to put away the tools and tidy away the batteries and chargers. I only managed to get half way through the washing up. The crockery is done but the cutlery hasn't been touched. I'll go back to it in a bit.




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