17 Jul 2024

17.07.2024 Another Coop closing?


 Wednesday 17th 58F(14C- Overcast with showers promised.

 Up at 5am after going to bed at midnight.

 6.40 All four aquarium plants are now inserted into the gravel.  I acclimatized the fish into the bigger tank over 15 minutes in a floating plastic container. The temperature between the two tanks was identical to 0.1F. [69.8F/21C] 

 The water in the large tank is now perfectly clear. I added small quantities of the new water to their container and monitored their behaviour. There was no gasping or signs of chemical stress. I had left their original tank full in case I needed to bring them back. Once released into their new home they were soon foraging on the gravel bottom. 

 They are now exploring their spacious new accommodation. Still no signs of panting or hanging at the water surface. They are sticking close together. I like the simple dimmer for the LED lights. A turn of the control knob avoids switching on an off from full brightness.

 9.10. Just a short walk to the lanes. Mild and breezy. The few, blue holes in the clouds provided moving patches of light on the harvested fields. A slow, electric motorcycle went past. I don't know what else to call it. The rider wasn't pedaling despite climbing a hill. I am not sure there were pedals.

 It is becoming brighter. I wouldn't mind a ride if I could decide where to go.

 12.30 I looped around several villages for 27km. There was a bit of a headwind going. Crosswind later. My legs were tired but I stayed in Sport mode on all the climbs. Rather than using Turbo. The DDK vinyl saddle is proving variable in comfort. Neither awful nor pleasant. I was wearing my ordinary clothes today. No padded racing shorts.

 It is no wonder the Coop is closing so many shops! The staff clearly don't know who is paying their wages yet. Hint: It's the customer. Nobody else is daft enough! I was the only one left in the short queue with only one item on the belt. 

 The staff on the checkout decided they would change over anyway. Chatting away to each other with all the time in the world. No greeting as the new face flopped down into the seat. Casual passing of my item. The price did not match what I had seen on the shelf. So I just walked away. I have been shopping there for 28 years. Longer than many of the staff have been alive. 

 18.00 67F/19C. It will be and was salad for dinner.



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