10 Jul 2024

10.07.2024 Monstera has a holiday.


  Wednesday 10th 64F/18C. Overcast. Possible thundery showers.

 Up at 5am. Wide awake. Aching slightly from yesterday's gardening exertions. 

 Now that I am fitter and I can manage more serous exercise. I can start tidying around the observatory again. It has been on hold during my heart problems. Which has led to an outbreak of weeds and trees in the affected areas. The Morris could easily be parked in that area if I clear some space for it. 

 My original old car from the mid 1990s is due for its biannual safety test. I think it has finally reached the end of its long life. I now only use it for trailer duties. Had the main Brenderup trailer dealer not messed me about. I would already have a smaller trailer for the Morris. Which has a much lower weight limit. Though enough to be able to bring logs home for the stove.

 My big, old trailer has also seen better days but has been incredibly useful. I bought it a new baseboard. From a big shed discount DIY store. The board is already proving itself as complete and utter garbage. The old baseboard lasted for two decades out in all weathers. The new board is already splitting along joints hidden by the cheap plastic coating.

 07.30 Sunshine. I have run the mower over the grass again at a slightly lower setting. The drive and parking space are done. With the batteries back on charge. The western lawn is wet and covered in yesterday's grass cuttings. It can wait until later. When it has had a chance to dry out. The wind is picking up. That will help.

 10.00 Mostly overcast. No walk required. As I have been mowing again. The Monstera is having a summer holiday out in the greenhouse. I read that they like warmth and a lot of light. Which it doesn't get so much of indoors. Where it is spread across the spaces between two windows. The bathroom Aspidistra has replaced it for a bit more light too.

 12.15 Overcast and raining lightly. I have been trimming the hedges along the drive. Nobody else will.

 17.00 74F/23C. Warm sunshine. I have raked the verges of the drive to tidy up my earlier hedging efforts. Then wheelbarrowed away the accumulation. Another busy day.

 The lady from the village visited. We spent quite some time admiring the garden. 

 Dinner was sardines on toast.



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