8 Jul 2024

8.07.2024 Not a ghost.


  Monday 8th 55F/13C. Overcast.

 Up at 6.30 after a reasonable night. 

 8.0 Sunshine. I should go for a walk before the rain arrives. 

 I am a blithering idiot! I was sitting at the coffee table sorting out my six tablets per day into the dispenser. When I heard somebody marching up the stairs. Not once but several times! I was terrified! The place is usually, absolutely silent,

 There was nothing to be seen when I got up to see the stairs. Which are hidden from view by the large, central chimney. I even went upstairs to see if somebody had sneaked in. Via the still locked, front door. 

 On returning downstairs I could hear the footsteps again. The answer now became all too obvious. I had played a relaxing video on YouTube. Posted by a chap called Dave who walks around pretty British towns and villages with his camera. He doesn't speak. Just records the sounds of his walks as he goes along. His footsteps must have got louder. Just to add to the drama he was walking around an old graveyard. I have also been watching yet another Korean drama series on Netflix. About a ghost surgeon!

 This was all happening while I waited patiently to take my blood pressure. I couldn't just sit there and stare at the wall for ten minutes. So, no, it was not a ghost! Now I am wondering how that affected my blood pressure readings. I had also had breakfast and a mug of back coffee. When I should really have tested before eating or drinking anything. It didn't help that I had lost the test reporting sheet. It was in the jacket I had worn to hospital that day.

 8.30 It was windy but dry and sunny for my walk. The pain in my lower back took a few hundred yards of limping to subside. The traffic was sparse. Which saved me a lot of hopping onto the verge. Into the deep, wet grass and weeds.  On my return I dragged the empty recycling bin back down the drive. 

 10.00 Dark overcast and rain. You have to laugh! The deluded labour leader doesn't have a mandate to use the public toilets at the House of Commons. Let alone claim a resounding victory. The country simply wanted to get rid of the Entitled Clown Party but couldn't really be arsed to vote for any of the other, corrupt scum. 

 The voting system in the UK is a total farce. Read the figures: Laborious 33%, Con arteests 23%, Reform 14% & Libelous 12% share of the votes. On the lowest turnout for years. Resulting in 412, 121, 72 & 5 seats. The Liberals got a lower vote share than the Reform Party yet have 72 seats? Like them or loathe them: The Reform Party won only 5 seats. Despite having a greater vote share than the Liberals. Does not compute!

 Of course there is no pressure for the non-losers of this fake election to change anything. So participation in coming elections will continue to fall. To the delight of those riding the Broxit Gravy Train to Sharia Law. Proportional representation avoids extremes via coalitions. Negotiation between parties leads to the middle ground. Nature abhors a power vacuum. Even more than a landslide on a landfill waste site. 

 I rode to the next village this afternoon. Hoping to set a new appointment for the dentist. Guess what? Closed  on Mondays! I did some shopping to avoid making the journey a complete waste of time. It was blowing a gale but dry and sunny. I found it intimidating to be overtaken at very high speed on the way home. I was fighting the head/crosswind. As drivers completely ignored the speed limit. 20km more.

 I fancy fish fingers with broccoli for dinner today. I usually throw in some peas as well.



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